The shoe issue is also taken care of. They look pretty good with the dress (whew again!)

I was worried they’d be too shiny but they go well with the beads on the edges of the tiers and straps.
An unforeseen issue has come up though. Ok, perhaps not unforeseen, but something I hadn’t thought about. Catherine W. questioned my "no nylons" stance since their dresses are just below the knee and also asked about toes. Since my feet are covered I hadn’t given too much thought to legs and toes. My sister doesn’t want to wear nylons and my concern with them is that the dresses are so sheer and light that you’ll probably be able to see where the hose cut off at your waist. I don’t know. Catherine W. is right when she says they make you look more polished and neither of them have tan legs so we might enter ghostly pale territory in pictures. I have a little time to think about my options still I suppose. I just want them to be comfortable both temperature-wise and appearance-wise.
In any case, the one meeting I’m worried about is tonight – the reception hall. They’ve had a lot of changes in management and we’ve dealt with two other people before this new guy. I hope everyone has communicated amongst themselves and all our previous negotiations and request have been carried through the change process. We’ve got a list of questions to get answered and I’m hoping it all works out splendidly.
I’ll probably regret saying this, but everything has worked out pretty well so far (knock on the hugest piece of wood on earth…) There was a minor flower thing (purple hyacinths were unavailable) but that was no biggie since they were just accent flowers that were easily replaced with delphinium. I guess we’ll have to wait and see how tonight goes so we know if I can relax yet.
Current (and hopefully final) headcount is at 75, including 4 babies. So we didn’t really make our minimum but since it costs more to pay for 71 than it would for 75 (there’s a $2 surcharge per plate if under the minimum) I’m hoping they’ll let us fudge it a little.
We got so close… a lot closer than I had expected considering the pathetic response rate we were at back when the RSVP were due. I was just amazed by the number of people who didn’t get the cards back to us on time (or at all.) I can’t attribute them all to flat out rudeness. Some of these people got a pass since I knew they were busy or had other things on their minds. But some I just can’t understand. How hard is it to put a check mark on a line and seal an envelope? You didn’t even need a stamp. And the post office comes to your house. Grrr. Know how to not forget about it or lose it (as was the excuse for the majority of these late responders)? Do it right away. Duh. Ok enough about that. I know it’s like beating a dead horse. There are two kinds of people in the world - polite ones and rude ones.
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