Adam had a fiscal year-end get together for his team at work on Friday evening. It was at Willie Beamon’s so I was fine going along. We had some drinks and some food. I tried to be adventurous and ordered a Caesar chicken wrap instead of my usual chicken tenders (which are really good there!) Somehow red onions ended up in the wrap and after double checking that the menu had said nothing about onions, I complained (ok, so I had Adam complain for me) and they made me another one. Which I took home and ate yesterday.
The highlight of the evening was when one of Adam’s coworkers showed up and attempted the mad cow burger challenge: a massive burger with pounds of toppings, a huge bun, and a pile of fries. Eat it in 30 minutes and it’s free. He made it through the burger in impressive time but couldn’t do the fries. It was a good time for everyone though, egging him on and cracking jokes about his toilet.
Saturday morning we woke up too early. We pondered what to do with our day and decided to call my Dad et al and see if they wanted to go to the Milwaukee Zoo with us. We called them a little before 8 and apparently woke them all up. Whoops. Catherine agreed to join us on our mini-vacation so after getting dressed and turning around to get the camera we forgot to bring with us we headed to Sheboygan Falls and picked her up. A stop at Arby’s in Port Washington got Adam and me a little lunch and some time to look through all of Catherine’s Guatemala pictures.
We made it to the Zoo a little before 1 and although the line to get into the parking lot seemed long, there were actually plenty of spots open relatively close to the entrance. I wanted to beeline to the Shark and Sting Ray Reef since that’s really the reason we went down in the first place. It happened to be all the way across the Zoo from where we parked. We finally made our way there and paid the $2 to get in. I couldn’t reach the shark. I don’t know how any kids could either since I’m hoping my arms aren’t disproportionately short. Adam had luck of course with his big monkey arms. (Heh, he hates it when I call them that.) Anywho, we headed to the Sting Rays and I didn’t even attempt to try and pet them. I didn’t want to fall into the water. I did get some video of Adam and the pack swimming by.
After washing off our hands we headed back out to the rest of the zoo. Nothing particularly spectacular to report really. They did have two koalas that were cutely asleep when we visited them.

We skipped the big cats since we were getting close on time and wanted to stop by Sprecher’s on the way back. Here are some highlights:

See all the pictures here.
As previously mentioned, we made a quick stop at Sprecher’s Brewery on the way back home. We then headed back to Sheboygan Falls in off-and-on showers. We stayed for dinner and then headed back home.
Sunday we woke up too early again and Adam spent most of his day getting supplies for and re-screening the windows in our bedroom. I did all kinds of random stuff and didn’t get around to doing anything wedding-related. Yay! This means my wedding to-do list is exactly the same length today as it was on Friday. *sigh* I plan to get four or five things checked off tonight hopefully. Luckily time is running out so I can’t procrastinate for much longer.
This week is full of final meetings, confirmations, and our last round of painful dispensations of money. Tomorrow we’ll be sneaking out of work early and heading to the court house to get our marriage license. Then we have our last meeting with the photographer where we’ll pay off his balance (ouch) and go through shot lists and schedules. Wednesday is Catherine’s dress fitting and my final fitting. Hopefully all goes well there since there’s not a lot of time for error. Thursday is our meeting with the reception hall. We’re meeting with their new guy, who neither of us has met, and he seems to be kind of a dick. Hopefully my first (phone) impressions are mistaken since I don’t really want to have to put up with surprises or conflicts this late into the game. On Friday I’ll be calling everyone else, La Sure’s and the DJ, to finalize schedules and work out any outstanding questions and details. I figure this leaves me with next weekend, Monday, and Tuesday to have millions of worst case scenarios run through my head. I already had one dream on Saturday in which all of our guests (including the wedding party) came down with the stomach flu and no one came to the ceremony or reception. Although I blame this more on a Travel Channel show I watched about bad cruises than wedding jitters…
Anyway, everything is under control. So much so that I find myself standing in the guest room, staring at the closet full of wedding stuff, wondering if I’ve forgotten to do something. My checklist has 24 things on it and most of them are being taken care of this week. If I’ve missed something I don’t know what it is. I think I’m just a little crazy.
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