Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Meeting with the priest

We had our meeting with Father Mike last night. We got a ceremony planning worksheet and book and can now decide all kinds of fun things like how to stand at the front of the church and if we’re going to have all kinds of optional stuff or not. I think we worked most of it out last night at dinner but I don’t know. There were a few things that we hadn’t talked about previously. Right now I think the only thing really up in the air is how the mothers will enter (whether they’ll be part of the processional or not.) He says no, I’m not sure.

We have a lot of choices to make: readings, prayers, responses. In general I told Adam that kind of thing would be up to him because I don’t really care too much. I looked over the suggested bible readings and prayers with him last night though and I suppose I gave some opinions. I think I’m ok with the ones he’s considering. I’m all for letting Father Mike have free rein with all the prayers and stuff but we’ll see how it ends up.

We meet with the musicians next week. Should be a good time.

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