Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

First off, Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Or Anti-Valentine’s Day if that’s more your thing.

Here we are, on the first Valentine’s Day ever where I am half of a couple. It took 23 years to get here, but it sure feels good. I was forbidden from going into the living room all of last night. I resisted the temptation to go peek at 2am and was allowed out there this morning when we woke up. I found more flowers (which I’ll take a picture of later tonight), a huge card, and a big heart of chocolates. :) Although what I found when I came back into the bedroom was better of course – Adam. I know I don’t express it quite enough, but I’m really glad things have worked out the way they have. He’s working tonight so we’re not doing anything fancy at all, but we do plan to go out tomorrow night for some Chinese food. Yum.

All members of the hamster clan are doing well. Pigster appears to have pulled through and is active and alert. He still scares easily but I hope that will diminish over time. Howie kind of keeps to himself and I don’t see much of him. Duey runs all night long in his little squeaky wheel. He stuffs his pouches to the brim with food and dumps it all out if you put him in his ball. He’s a funny guy, but very gentle. He likes doing laps around my neck for some reason. He’s nuts.

Nothing really big is going on these days. Kind of the calm before the storm. Adam’s birthday is next month and we’ll also have to book our plane tickets for Catherine’s graduation in May. I’m in wait mode for my banking transition although we do plan on heading back to the credit union on Saturday morning to set up a joint household checking account. See how badly I’ve been gotten? It was even me who proposed this joint account, much to Adam’s surprise…

I’ve been doing a lot of religious reading lately. I’m almost through Catholicism for Dummies. It was interesting, definitely enlightening me to aspects of both Catholicism and Christianity in general. Take, for example, the term “Immaculate Conception.” Most people think (me included) that this refers to Mary being a virgin when Jesus was conceived/born, but it doesn’t. The Immaculate Conception refers to MARY’S conception. When she was conceived by her mother and father, God apparently made it so she didn’t have the original sin that all other humans are born with (according to Catholics.) He wanted a perfect place for his son to hang out for 9 months before making an entrance into the world, so he had to create a sin-free zone – the Immaculate Conception. I never learned that kind of thing in all the years of Sunday school at all the different churches I went to. You learn a whole bunch of other kind of useless information and are required to memorize a whole bunch of crap. You never really learn the foundations of the beliefs you’re supposed to have. At this point, I probably know more about Catholicism than some Catholics do and I still have the whole Concise History of the Catholic Church to thumb through. Maybe I should read Protestantism for Dummies too... To be fair, perhaps this was never brought up in any of my religious teachings because Protestants don’t buy into the original sin concept… who knows? In any case, I’m finding it all very interesting. I won’t be converting to Catholicism any time soon and I don’t really buy into a lot of their beliefs, but it’s fascinating to get the backstory about it all. Plus, assuming things continue in their current direction, I’ll need to know some of this stuff later on since in order to marry a Catholic I have to agree to raise any children we have in the Catholic church…

But I digress.

Back to the original point of this post. Yay love!

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