Pounds lost: none (boo)
BP: 129/77
Recap of the week:
So, I know I had mentioned that I wasn't expecting great things this week due to my excessive chocolate consumption. Add to that a birthday cookie cake, a night out at The Melting Pot, and the fact that it's what we refer to around here as "Bad Week" (Happy Valentine's Day, Adam!) and I'm not at all surprised that there was no downward movement on the scale.
Monday through Wednesday we did old school (ca 1998) Tae Bo with Billy Blanks. Seriously - it's on a videotape.

Thursday was a night off. I got little bit tipsy from wine at dinner...
Friday and Saturday (and will be tonight) was back to the treadmill. (See above reference to "bad week" as to why I didn't want to be kicking around with Tae Bo...)
For this coming week we've got an updated version of Tae Bo to try out - Tae Bo Cardio (ca 2003) (on a DVD!)

We'll see what new things Billy has in store for us.
Yesterday I bought two things that I ended up returning this morning. The first were wrist weights. I was originally going to get 5 pound neoprene dumbbells. Right now we've got 2 pounds ones and I'm feeling like I need more of a challenge. I thought maybe it would be easier if I could just strap the weights onto my arms. No way. I can't even stand wearing a watch or bracelets so I'm not sure why I though I'd be ok with weights around my wrists. I got the 5 pound dumbbells this morning so we'll see how that goes tonight.
The second was a heart rate monitor watch. Our treadmill has the handles that you grip and it registers your heart rate, but I thought maybe it was off and it would be easier to have something on my wrist. This watch also gave the % of target and a few other nifty things. But it doesn't work while you're moving! What's the point of having a heart rate watch if you have to stop to use it?!?! So stupid. I was disappointed, but I'll just stick with what's on the treadmill for now. It appeared to be pretty accurate.
I had also been considering getting an aerobic step. I had one back in high school (not sure where it ended up - maybe my mom has it?) and I enjoyed it. They're not really expensive - about $30 - but I think I'll wait on that for now too. I even considered looking around for a step class at a local gym or the Y.
Right now I'm listening to a dance channel on Pandora in a search for some new music. I'm getting bored of the same old songs... I'm taking suggestions!
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