Adam called me at work this morning and proceeded to tell me that one of our mututal friends (who just got engaged - congrats!) was diagnosed with breast cancer and multiple doctor sources have encouraged a very agressive chemo treatment plan. That can't be a good sign. What rotten luck. This is, of course, messing with their wedding plans and it sounds as though perhaps there will be a small ceremony in the next few weeks.
Then, as my dad and I were talking while I was at work this afternoon I discovered, via his Caring Bridge site (note: you will have to sign up to view) that Father Mike, the priest at St. Mary's, had passed away this morning. It was a week ago today that he fell outside his home and sustained major head injuries. I can't even quantify how terrible this is. He was a wonderful man and will be missed by countless people, myself included.
Of course, bell practice for tonight is off for the second straight week.
Things can only get better, right?
Ok. I think we could all use some Cute Overload. Seriously, if you need to smile, this site is almost as good as Cats in Sinks.
The caption on this one, that cracked me up this afternoon, was:
"Slowly, hesitantly, Olive arrived at a disturbing new theory: The intentions of the alien visitors were not as benevolent as had been originally claimed."

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