Anyway, after we finished at the title company we went back to the apartment to pick up the trailer that Adam had loaded earlier in the day. We then headed to the house where Adam prompty uprooted the "For Sale" sign. We then unloaded the trailer, the car, and my car. I took pictures of every room as a "before" tour (click on any picture for full-size version):
Ugly pink master bedroom - We're painting it and replacing the window treatments (oh, and getting rid of that random hanging basket...)

Master bath - not really doing anything in here unless we have extra paint

Second bathroom - not really doing anything here either aside from pitching that ugly wicker thing

Bedroom 2 - will be the guest/computer room - not doing anything in this room

Bedroom 3 - will be the pet room - not doing anything in this room either

Kitchen - definitely where most of the work will take place. We're replacing the existing dishwasher, stove, and range hood in addition to ripping up the flooring and putting in new tile. And getting new curtains.

and we're ripping out this stupid wall

Dining room - removing about 2/3 of the carpet, replacing it with tile.

Living room - not really doing anything in here

This lilac tree's days are numbered - it's going as soon as we get some really big hedge clippers

The rest of the yard is just fine though...

The sellers left us a big stack of wood for the fireplace

Ok. Mini-tour over.
Originally the first order of business was knocking down the retarded wall in the kitchen. When Adam tried to find something to plug in the outlet so we could tell when he shut off power to the right area he got distracted and ended up putting the garbage disposal together instead. Look at the 70's looking disposal they had originally:

He then removed the range hood and took down the ugly curtains in the equally ugly bedroom:

We then took a break for dinner. His parents got there right as we got back from eating. His mom and I went to work on painting the ugly room while Adam and his dad worked in the kitchen, installing the disposal, installing the new range hood, removing the stove and dishwasher, and installing the new dishwasher. Kind of. There is some kind of plumbing issue so it's not totally installed yet, but it's close.
At the end of day one, our progress was encouraging:
First coat of paint done in ugly bedroom except for inside the closet (Adam needs to remove the shelf first). Oh yeah, we ripped up the carpet before we painted so that's why everything is a trippy green color.

Kind of a disaster area for the time being, but a good chunk of progress made in the kitchen.

Originally I was going to start taking boxes over there tonight but between being sore (argh, my shoulders!) and the rain, I decided to stay here and pack up the kitchen. And write this totally long blog post. I plan to keep taking pictures of our progress. Home improvement is so much fun. :)
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