Over the toilet storage in both bathrooms assembled (but not attached to the wall yet)

Carpet in dining room cut and removed

Funkadelic ceiling fan in living room almost done (two lightbulb covers were broken and we need to trek to Lowe's to get replacements)

New underlying floor installation started in kitchen (more on that later)

A nice plant from our friendly next-door neighbors

Ok, so Sunday (Day 4) will not go down as the least stressful day of home-ownership. I was feeling like crap and spent most of the morning sleeping. And most of the afternoon for that matter. Anyway, I missed most of the exitement. Adam went over to the house yesterday morning to continue where we'd left off on Saturday - ceiling fans, kitchen floor. A few things happened:
1) Torrential downpours all morning combined with a leaky (and uncovered) basement window = 2+ inches of water in the basement. Luckily it's completely unfinished and there is nothing down there. Well, except for some puddles now... Anyway, after discovering the home warranty we got at closing doesn't cover windows (what's that about?) Adam and his dad pulled some deck boards up (because the leaky window would have to be the one under the deck, right?) and put the window well cover from the side of the house onto that window. We'll see if it works. It rained a lot today as well so when I head over there in a little bit I'll check for standing water.
2) The paper backing to the previous vinyl floor in the kitchen just would not come up. They tried some adhesive solvent stuff but that didn't help. So it was determined that the easiest solution would be to buy 1/4" plywood, recover the kitchen and dining room with it and start tiling over that fresh surface. Alrighty!
Other than that the day seems to have gone well. I can't really say since I wasn't there for most of it. We're still making progress and things should be on schedule. We're having an issue with the carpet installation (due to misinformation given to us by the salesperson) but hopefully that gets worked out.
Tomorrow the cable guy comes to wire the house for tv, internet, and phone. Yes, we decided to get a landline after neither of our cell phones worked decently while inside the house.
So far the "house buying expenses" total up to almost $5,000... and we're not done yet! Money pit indeed.
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