Adam finished up tiling the kitchen and dining room. It's all done except for a strip along the entrance hallway, a strip along the dining room wall, and the front closet area. He plans to finish those up tonight. He caulked along where the appliances go so it was ready for them and his dad caulked the rest yesterday afternoon.

Speaking of appliances, the new stove and fridge were delivered yesterday afternoon. Yay! The fridge is much larger than we thought and it sticks out a lot more than we expected but it works. And it makes ice! And the stove has a glass top! And they're all pretty and clean and new! Exclamation point overload!!! Unfortunately we have no food so it might be a few days before I get around to using them. (Sorry about the blurry pictures, I must have shaky hands... or maybe I just needed caffeine or something)

Thursday night we made another trip to Lowe's to exchange the previously mentioned broken ceiling fan parts. (Ooh, pretty)

We also picked up some additional doorknobs and some other supplies. And a new doorbell. And a programmable thermostat. Yeah, pretty much everything is getting replaced.
Adam's mom and sister were busy on Wednesday as well, decapitating the doomed lilac bush.

His mom and dad came back yesterday morning to finish the job and take down the tree by the guest bedroom as well.

While they were outside I busied myself inside by unpacking the kitchen. Well, most of it anyway. You might notice the countertop is a little... cluttered. :) I got the pantry stocked and our alcohol glasses took up an entire cupboard all by themselves.

Other incidental activites:
The doorbell replacement didn't go so well when Adam realized the transformer installed wasn't supplying enough power to make the new chime chime. The front door ringer thingy doesn't work anyway. So we decided to go wireless.
I took the old shower curtain rod in the hall bathroom down. I had to do it in two different segments because it contained the worlds longest screw ever and my arm got tired (wow, now there's a sentence loaded with dirty possibilities!) I thought my brain was messing with me until I looked at the screws and yes, one is much longer than all the others. Cruel, cruel shower curtain rod.
A few more trips brought additional crap over to the house. All the wedding stuff is over there now along with most of the kitchen (excluding my menagerie of small appliances that need counter space to survive.) I brought over a lot of our clothing and my shoes. We're in good shape to move furniture next Saturday.
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