Ok, here’s a non-house-related blog. Of course, if it isn’t house related it must be wedding related since those are pretty much the only things I think of outside of work.
I met with Tom & Alice (ceremony musicians) on Saturday morning. We’d had to reschedule because of a family emergency (not mine) and Adam couldn’t make it because he was at work. Not that it matters much since he really doesn’t care about the music. I had created a spreadsheet outlining my thoughts and was open for insight and suggestions. Basically they took what I wrote, agreed with it, and we went with it. So, for anyone who cares, this is what’s on the program:
Alice will be singing three songs as a prelude (can’t remember what they are...more secular than religious though. Think
Lifetime of Love.) Adam and I picked these at the first meeting and (this will sound kind of bad) I was relatively unconcerned about these since I won’t be there to hear them anyway. The processional will be Bach’s
Air on the G String… played on the organ. It’s mellow, but still has a definite bass line beat to walk to. And it’s not marchy. Perhaps the one traditional element that slipped through is the “Here Comes the Bride” for my entrance. What can I say, I want fanfare… We’ll have an instrumental version of
One Hand, One Heart during the unity candle lighting and the
Ave Maria will remain at the Silent Communion. The recessional is the Allegro Maestoso from Handel’s
Water Music. Yeah, I had to relent to some Water Music, but it’s an acceptable movement. A nice, grand way to end the ceremony. Granted, it’s not Widor, but it’ll have to do. :)
Adam’s mom dropped off the revised RSVP cards on Saturday so I went to work assembling the invitations yesterday morning. I had already printed address and reply labels but for some reason my stupid printer decided to randomly print a few of them incorrectly so I had to reprint a bunch. A lot of black ink, sticky fingers, and paper cuts later I have all but two of them done. I managed to lose one address and I’m still waiting for a last name (**Ahem… Dad**) on the other. Pretty good I’d say. I haven’t sealed them yet. I wasn’t feeling drooly enough to use my saliva up on them. I might do them in batches to avoid dehydration. Then I’ll slap a silver sticker thingy on them and haul them to the post office. I didn’t count them but I think we were up to 66 or 67. Not too bad – and that translates to 128 guests. We should get to our 75 reception minimum no problem right? (Fingers crossed!)
Other items on my wedding to-do list (Yes, I have a separate list for wedding tasks. I’m a huge dork.):
1. Find shoes for the Catherines. I’m sucking at this. And I need to kind of have it figured out by the 30th (our first fitting appointment.)
2. Meet with Father Mike to finalize the ceremony. Although I suppose we need to figure out what we want before we do this…
3. Meet with DJ and go through music lists.
4. Get my ring inspected. Adam’s was sent in to be sized on Saturday. Size 14.25! (I’m a 5.75!) My ring will be sized in late July – I’m having them solder the two together right away and I don’t want a naked finger for too long…
5. I’m a few attendant gifts short still. Fortunately I have ideas and I just need to get out there and act on them. Adam’s gift on the other hand… don’t know about that yet.
Anyway, that’s about it. Focus definitely remains on packing and cleaning. We just had the bad judgment to schedule our moving van on the same day (this Saturday!) the invitations are supposed to go out. But it’s under control. No worries!