Tonight we are meeting with the people over at the reception hall to do some menu tasting. We’ve pretty much figured out what we want, but there are a couple dishes we’re unsure about and since we get to eat free food, why not? Apparently there has been some turmoil over there recently in the form of management and ownership changes so we also want to make sure nothing in our contract and agreement has changed. I’m not really too worried about it, but I’d rather know now than when I pay the bill.
In other wedding news, I finally went and looked for comfortable underwear. But I’m not sure I’ve found it yet. I did buy some things and actually spent some time walking around the house in them on Sunday but I’m not sure they are things I can wear for 9+ hours. I also pranced in my shoes for a bit. Adam tried to help stretch the toes out by using a blow dryer but other than making my toes toasty warm for a little while, I don’t think it really did much. I like the shoes and they are surprisingly comfortable. It’s just the toe area that is causing me problems. Apparently I have fat toes. In any case, Adam has suggested getting one of those shoe-shaping wedge things and putting it in upside-down. It’s worth a shot.
I also got my final apparel item – the tiara. I was having a hard time finding anything purple at the stores in the area so I finally broke down and looked on eBay. I found one I thought would work and had Adam buy it for me (I don’t have an eBay account and have no desire to get one.) It arrived on Tuesday and with a little tinkering and the right hair-do I think it will be fine. Whew. It’s good to know I won’t be a complete mess walking down the aisle. Ha.
So, with my look taken care of there’s not a whole lot to do for now. We met with Adam’s parents last weekend about the rehearsal dinner and RSVP plans. I should be putting finishing touches on all the various invitation parts in the next few weeks and then getting them to his mom to print. It’s going to be so much fun doing all that envelope licking and stamp pressing. The invitations are pretty basic, but there are a lot of parts. The wedding invitation, the reception card, the response card, the rehearsal invitation, and the breakfast invitation will all be sent out in the same envelope. Hopefully this won’t confuse people and we’re making the RSVP date the same for all three things so that should help.
I’m crossing my fingers that our relatives and friends are nice enough to respond promptly because I can’t do the fun stuff until I get a headcount. Fun stuff like wedding favors, gift bags, and seating charts. I’m not sure if we’ve decided if we’re doing assigned seating but I know it was discussed. One of the main reasons we decided to have a buffet-style dinner was to get people up and mingling. Therefore I’m not sure it’s really necessary to force the two sides to mix via a seating chart. One of the many things to think about still.
Another thing I’m having a problem with is the whole “something old, new, borrowed, blue” dealy. Of course I’ve got the new thing taken care of. Pretty much everything on my body will be new. It’s everything else I’m at a loss for. Anyone have any ideas? Also, how is that whole “penny in the shoe” thing supposed to work when I’m wearing strappy sandals?
We’ve got lots of meetings in our future still: photographer, DJ, Father Mike, organist and vocalist. But nothing we can really do right now. We’re a little more than five months out and I’m getting antsy. The only thing on my list I need to get taken care of is picking a hair salon. And check on the La Quinta rooms. Apparently there are some communication problems somewhere. Shocking…
Anyway, just a (not so) little update about what’s going on in wedding-planning-ville.