Anywho, the photo situation has been resolved and all the photos from the trip are up there. They are not in order at all so it might be a bit confusing, but all the animals are cute and interesting and all that jazz so enjoy them.
Second order of business is our new apartment. I got everything out of my old one last Thursday. Finished cleaning and turned in the keys right as the ladies were walking out the door on Thursday evening. Things here at the new place are pretty well unpacked and organized. There are a few disaster areas, but those will be fixed up soon enough. Hopefully. We've got three flies who have decided to make our apartment their home. Oddly enough, they totally disappear every time we get the fly swatters out. The bastards... The cable and internet was installed with only a few minor blips yesterday morning and our queen size bed was delivered yesterday afternoon. Who knew there was such a difference between a full and a queen? I no longer fear being elbowed in the face. As much. This morning, Adam had wrapped himself up in the comforter instead of getting under it and I called him an "Adam taco." I still find that hilarious and I am snickering as I type that. I wish I had taken a picture of that. Too cute!
I'll get pictures of the apartment up soon.
On Friday night Adam made me stay awake until after 10 when he came home from work. He told me he had a surprise for me. When he gets home he makes me sit up on the futon and close my eyes. He places a Jared jewelry store bag on my lap. Inside is a box. Inside the box is a ring. Now don't go thinking what you're thinking. That's not how it is. It's not that kind of ring. Was not accompanied by any type of question. Anyway, I can't for the life of me get a decent picture of it. It keeps turning out fuzzy.

Oh well, you get the idea.
So, things are going well. The neighbors I've met so far seem to be nice (and quiet, and non-smoking) enough. Hopefully we can manage to keep it down enough as to not annoy them. Heh. The drive to work isn't too bad, but we'll see how things go when it starts snowing. The Butte des Morts bridge always sucks when it's snowy. Sadly enough, it only takes about 4 or 5 minutes longer to get here than it took to get to my other apartment. It's all highway driving here while before it was all start and stop frontage road driving. Weird.
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