Years, that is:

It just so happened that our anniversay fell smack dab in the middle of SAP GoLive so we couldn't really go anywhere or whoop it up. We went out to dinner, swapped cards (and golf balls, and jewelry.) We met up with my dad and Cheryl a week or so later and that's about the extent of our celebration.
2) Worked. A lot.
I had some crazy hours these past few months. Most notably one 2pm to 2am and one 5pm to 7:15am. Those sucked big time. Everything else was pretty ok. Some later nights, some skipped lunches. Ok, a lot of skipped lunches. The end of July and beginning of August were awful. Then it calmed down a little. The last week of August and right up to yesterday were also awful. This past Thursday was especially hellish. Things probably won't get better until the end of this coming week. Or ever. But I'm keeping the faith.
I understand that the implementation of a new ERP system is not supposed to be fun. But after four tries, you'd think they'd have worked some of the bugs out. I'm not going to go into it or complain here since it doesn't do anyone any good. Let's just say it could have gone better.
I traded in my desktop for a laptop about a month ago and they gave me VPN access so I can work from home. Of course, this is both a positive and a negative, me being the workaholic I am. I mean, I'm already thinking about work all the time. A vast majority of my dreams for the past two months have been about SAP. It can't be healthy, but I do what I can to avoid checking my email at night or on weekends. I've only brought the computer home three or four times so far. It was really nice this past Monday to have the option of working from home though.
3) Lost too many people.
Granted, even one death is too many. Unfortunately Adam's family lost two members this summer. His grandmother passed away in May and then, more recently, his cousin, Brett. I didn't write anything about it because I was tired and busy, but it also didn't seem to be my place to discuss it. I'm still going to leave it mostly alone. It's a delicate situation and I think the best thing is to let time heal.
4) Spent too much time at the hospital
Once again, any time at the hospital is too much, in my opinion. I don't know that I wrote about this at all on this blog, but it was a rough summer. Adam's mother spent quite a bit of time in the hospital when they discovered a tumor in her brain. She's doing great now, but it was really scary for a while. Once again, I didn't think it was my place to put it all out there at the time. I'm incredibly grateful that everything seems to have worked out.
5) Discovered some fabulous new restaurants
One side benefit of coming home completely exhausted every day was that we went out to eat a lot more than we usually do. We found out that the Old 41 Diner here in Neenah is an excellent place for breakfast. It's small, classic diner-looking, and the food is fabulous. We also went out to Oink's for breakfast once. Not as good as Old 41, but just the decor won me over. The entire place is full of pig figurines and kitchsy pig stuff. Kind of embarassing to admit, but I saw more than a few things that I used to have in my apartment. What can I say, I'm a fan of pigs and cows... Our most recently discovery was a bar and grill in downtown Neenah called 5 Generations. Great food, good drink specials, nice people. We'll definitely be going back there again.
6) Did absolutely nothing educationally redeeming
Time not spent at work or thinking about work was mostly spent vegging out in front of the TV or with my nose in a book. I've made some headway on my Oscar list - almost done at this point. Made it out to the Drive-In once this season. Haven't been to the movie theater in ages. TV-wise, I enjoyed Bethanny Getting Married and am currently wrapped up in the current season of Project Runway. I'm also four episodes into Season One of Pushing Daisies thanks to Netflix. I'd found a new series of mysteries that I'm working through - currently on the third book. I'm also knocking off the Den of Antiquity series and am almost through all the Pennsylvania Dutch series from Tamar Myers.
7) Went to two baseball games. No really.
I still maintain that baseball is a totally boring game.
We went to a Timber Rattlers game with the IMA back in July and Adam took me to my first Brewers game last Sunday. From the perspective of a non-baseball fan, the Timber Rattlers were much more entertaining. They have all kinds of stuff going on between innings. Too much blantant advertising for my liking though. The Brewer game was ok, but it was HOTT. Yes, so hot it needed two "t"s. It was 94 degrees out and even though we were in the shade, it was brutal. I don't know that I'd go back to a Brewers game, but I wouldn't be averse to going to another Timber Rattlers one. The main thing I don't get is that Adam always leaves before the game is over to beat traffic. I mean, ok, so the score is 8-4 and there's an inning left. They'll probably win. But it's like going to see Hamlet and leaving after Act 4, because, hey, everyone's going to die anyway. But whatever.
Next up - looking forward to fall. But first, this excellently bad action shot of JC and Ted:

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