Tuesday, June 09, 2009

*sigh* I hate annonymous commenters

Luckily I have the power of DELETE! (see the Strongbad reference there? Ha!)

But really, if you're going to criticize and insult me, at least have the balls to sign your name. That way I know if it's just a drive-by (on a related note, have you ever clicked on "next blog" up at the top there? It's fascinating. Usually Asian porn, but fascinating...) or if it's from someone whose opinion matters to me. I'm quite sure that no one I know would be leaving comments at 1:30 in the morning on a weeknight (because, remember, I have a dull life - oh, and no friends), but you never know.

And by the way, that wedding thing? From the wise one herself, Dear Abby

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have attended several weddings lately where we have waited up to an hour and a half for the bride and groom to arrive at their own reception. Can you enlighten me because, frankly, I am ... ONE CONFUSED GUEST, LEWIS CENTER, OHIO

DEAR CONFUSED: Sometimes there is a delay between the wedding ceremony and the reception so the wedding party can be photographed. Rather than being confused, use your imagination. These days there could be many reasons for a delay -- the limo ran out of gas, someone's zipper stuck, the bride went into labor....

According to Emily Post: "Any delay longer than 30 to 45 minutes becomes excessive, unless (the) invitation included a starting time for the reception. ... If there is likely to be a considerable delay, be sure that guests will be served beverages and hors d'oeuvres while they await your arrival."

Invite stated the reception started at 4:30. No hors d'oeuvres were served. I don't think my reaction is an unreasonable one. So there. :)


Anonymous said...

Just remember this is a public blog and anyone can see what you write. How would you feel if someone wrote how shitty your wedding was, how fat you looked, how dull your fiance is? You have a lot of nerve being so judgemental. Just think about that. This "annonymous" blogger is done. Delete this if you want,but do not try to justify your rude comments please. I am only defending tony and catherine who are very important people to me. That will be all.

Martha said...

I wasn't being judgemental. I was just annoyed by the amount of downtime at the reception. Perhaps it was due to some bad planning. But it doesn't really matter at this point since (hopefully) you only get one shot at it. In any case, it was in no way a personal attack on either Catherine or Tony, so don't try to make it one. I was just summing up the day.