We went to Catherine and Tony's wedding last weekend down in Delafield. We got there a little early so we stopped at Hobbytown USA, which just happened to be right by our hotel. We grabbed a quick lunch at DQ before heading to check in and change for the ceremony. (As an aside, I hate pantyhose. I haven't worn it since Katie's wedding back in October of '06. Such a pain.) We arrived at the church in plenty of time since it was much closer than we thought it was. It was a nice church. Looked pretty new. Lots of stained-glass windows and Adam especially liked the exposed ceiling beams. They had a holy water fountain which I found kind of distracting since it ran the whole time. I hope no one had to pee... The ceremony was a full mass. Although it was never really anything we had considered, I'm certain we made the right choice in not doing that for our ceremony. It was long. It was boring. Although they did get to sit down for most of it, so that had to be nice. The priest was...eccentric. I told Adam if we weren't in a Catholic church, I'd be tempted to think he was gay. (Not that being in a Catholic church necessarily rules that out, but you know what I mean.) Anyway, strange ceremony. But it gets the job done so it's all good.
After the ceremony was over we headed back to the hotel to kill some time since the reception didn't start until 4:30. When we got to the restaurant (which we realized was the same place we went to dinner with Catherine and Tony after we saw a movie a few years ago) we were the first ones there. Most people didn't show up until around 5. Dinner didn't start until after 6. It was odd. We sat at the table right in front of the head table (seating wasn't assigned) and no one else sat with us. The photographer dropped her stuff there since it was close to where the action would be. Finally two other girls joined us. It would have been totally embarrassing to be all alone at the table. I guess maybe we smelled? Anywho, when the wedding party finally showed up there were some toasts and then dinner. Decent buffet - good potatoes. Then some more downtime while the wedding party went upstairs to take more pictures. Cake. First dance then father-daughter then mother-son (after which I joked it was time for the sister-brother dance and the other girls at our table commented that we weren't in Arkansas... They were fun ladies. We spent a good deal of the downtime going through all the little bags of Hershey kisses and picking out the cookies and cream flavored ones. We're a menace to weddings every time...) Our plan was to stay for the first slow song and dance and then head out and hit the Marshalls near the restaurant before going back to our hotel. It took over an hour for a slow song. And they played every bad remix/medley song ever made in the interim. We finally got a slow song, danced, caught up with Catherine and Tony on the way out, and made our way back to the hotel.
Now, it's human nature that you'll always compare other peoples' weddings to your own. Everyone has their own preferences, but I thought it was almost rude the way their reception was done. The invitation said dinner and dancing beginning at 4:30. So we got there at 4:30. And sat alone at a table for almost an hour before the wedding party even got there. After dinner we sat, doing nothing, for another 45 minutes to an hour while the wedding party disappeared. It was just very weird. I hope people weren't that bored at our reception...
But overall, a lovely day. Seeing as how we both started dating around the same time, it's about time that they got married! I always thought Tony was a little tightly wound, but after meeting his mother I can see why. Catherine drew the short straw on the Mother-in-law pick...that lady is a control freak.
I did managed to cause a stir on Facebook though. I posted that I was going to a wedding and it was raining, but I thought that was supposed to be good luck. I said "Catherine" but didn't specify. So my cousin, Joanie, freaked out and ranted that she just found out her cousin was getting married and she found out about it on Facebook and why does no one ever tell her anything? Whoops. We worked it out. :)
This past week was month-end at work again. We have an intern helping fill in for a maternity leave, summer classes, and a summer internship with a different department. Some of the items on his "do-to" list were to help me out, but really it's usually just easier for me to do them myself than try to explain how to do them. There were quite a few things during close that I probably could have passed on to him, but at this point, having done this for almost two years, I've kind of got a rhythm to my first five days. I did give him resin counts to key in and he "couldn't find" almost half of them on the spreadsheet. *sigh* Anyway. The rest of the month should be interesting - all the key users are gone for SAP stuff. Hopefully I'll be able to get caught up on some stuff that I've been putting off for months since there will be no one around to give me special projects. We'll see.
This weekend was kind of a bummer. We rented a boat out in Fremont and invited Adam's parents, my dad and Cheryl, and Mark and his son, Sam, to come along with us. It was cold on Saturday morning and it was supposed to rain a little, but we toughed it out and decided to go out anyway. We stopped to fish after a little while but no one had any luck. Then we got onto Lake Poygan and it started to rain. And it was windy. Miserable. But we made it to our lunch destination in Winneconne. Where I told everyone I was not going back on the boat. I'd wait here and they could come pick me up. Fortunately, the idea wasn't as crazy as I thought it was and everyone but Adam and his dad ended up staying at the restaurant. Luckily they weren't busy at all. Two and a half hours later Adam and his dad came and picked us all up. Unfortunately (as it seems to go when we do things like this) the boat people allege that we must have hit something and damaged the propeller. They're getting an estimate, but apparently we'll be lucky if it's under $400. Just another notch in the "we get shit on when we try to have fun" board.
The rest of the month has a few bright spots: We have our party on the 20th, the second IMA planning meeting is the 16th, Adam's helping Mark move next weekend. Hopefully the weather will get the stick out of its butt and be decent soon. This cold, rainy stuff is getting old.
Ok, enough of that. Lately Carly has been more explorative. Not necessarily a good thing since she has a tendency to wander and then pee in random places. Got to watch her like a hawk. Anyway, sometimes she'll squeeze herself into places and it takes a little while to find her. This is one of her favorites:

Crazy eyes! Another is on the other side of the sink between the deep fryer and the blender. Apparently she thinks she's a small appliance...
1 comment:
Wait - did I forget to mention that I got married yesterday? LOL.
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