This is my third passport. The first one was procured at age 16 from the post office. (This is actually from my Carte Orange (a public transportation pass for Paris) but it's the same as my passport picture.)

It allowed me to spend three weeks traveling around France with my high school French teacher and a group of students from Fargo, ND. It was a crazy trip, and one of my best memories from that time of my life.
My second was five years later, since at 16 the life of your passport is only 5 years. (Holy cow, that's a huge zit!)

I needed it for yet another foray into international travel with France as the destination. This time it was six weeks with a group from New Orleans. Most definitely NOT the best memories from this trip.
And today, a third try, and a nice, new, hideous photo that will grace yet another legal form of identification. (Yes, my shirt is totally crooked.)

And while we're on the subject of horrible identification pictures, let's not forget the horrible driver's license photo (AAAAAAAAHHHHHH):

Oh, and the college ID picture that I had taken at 7 AM after driving up from Sheboygan (Urkel glasses!):

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