Sunday, February 15, 2009

Recognition by Omission?

One thing I struggle with by being part of the handbell group is that by participating in this activity, I end up attending mass when we play. Generally I can sit through the service with a minimal number of moments that make me want to laugh out loud (or, on the other side of things, make me mad.) This morning's readings were leprosy related, including the one where Jesus heals the leper. This is all well and good. But then in the homily, Fr Mike asked members of the congregation who they thought were modern-day lepers - people who are shunned or may feel left out in society. Want to know the answers that were volunteered?

Homeless people
People recently released from prison
People with mental illness

Notice anything missing? Are you surprised? Sometimes it makes me so sad, to see ignorance and intolerance at work right in front of me.

I know it's unfair to make sweeping judgements based on the ideas volunteered by four members of a congregation. But this is not the first time I've been so aware of the diversion of belief systems. It's a good thing no one expects me to be Catholic (or religious, really) any time soon...

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