Firstly, we got a letter from the city finally telling us about our new appraised house value after the county came through a few months ago. Not a pleasant letter. Our home value dropped almost $10,000. We now officially owe more on the house than it’s worth. That’s depressing.
Secondly, I finally went ahead and threw all my old clothing that had been hanging in the hamster room closet into a garbage bag (or two) and took it to Goodwill. I guess it was time to give up on the notion that I will wear any of it any time in the near future. But it was still hard. We did get a receipt this time since we’ll be itemizing and I estimated the total value of the clothing in the bags to be well over $400.
Thirdly, it snowed. That’s all I have to say about that.
In other news, the windows continue to be a work in process. The brick molding for the second window is supposed to be shipped directly to us sometime in the next few weeks so the outside can be finished. The inside is due to be stain this coming weekend, weather permitting. Then they should be good to go.
The outdoors is another topic. Adam finished up the edging on the side of the house where we ran short before. Last night he also put edging up in the back of the house to the deck. He’ll be spraying Round-Up on errant patches of grass, planting more robust grass in the patchy garden area, and adding some new wood chips/mulch to a few areas in the coming days. As I’m completely uninterested in anything that puts me in close contact with dirt/mud/worms, I’m leaving all of this kind of thing to him. I’ll sit on the deck and appreciate his handy work later.
I concentrated on cleaning out closets this weekend. As previously mentioned I tackled the hamster room first. After the guys were done in the cat room I went in there to do some clean-up. I finally put my wedding dress and veil back in their bags but I still just shoved them back into the closet. I don’t know what to do with them… I also discovered a forgotten bag from my mom (honestly, I thought it was Adam’s since I had forgotten that he lent her his bag when her luggage was stolen when she visited a few Octobers ago) that contained some long-lost friends.

When I introduced them to Adam he wondered (out loud) if there was a clause in our marriage agreement that would get him off the hook if I turned out to be completely nuts. So I had my stuffed animals get married with extravagantly planned (and photographed) weddings attended by every other stuffed animal I had. That’s not totally weird, right?
Ahem. Anyway, I think I’m almost done going through the things from my mom. I’m still working my way through the bag of school papers. Other than that I think I’ve found a place for everything except for a few things from my first trip to France. I also got around to organizing our computer desk. After having Adam complain every time he needed a pair of scissors, I threw a few old sour cream containers in the drawer to hold pens, paper clips, etc and called it good. I also drew up some plans for shelf dividers for our stash of printer paper, stationery, and my various IMA and filing supplies. Adam says it should be cheap and easy to construct something for me. Yay for handy men.
Cooking adventures this weekend were limited. We went out with Adam’s dad on Friday night to thank him for all his help around the house (and also Adam’s mom is out of town.) Saturday I think we just had leftovers. Sunday morning I made French toast for the first time in a while. Yum. I also made an excellent vegetable chili in my effort to eat better and eat more vegetables and beans.

Even with all the chopping involved I managed to not cut myself at all and only burned one finger in the cooking process. Adam expressed no interest in even tasting it, so I’m left with seven glad containers full. Woo!
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