As I commented while browsing through the colors choices this weekend, we’re turning our house into an Easter egg. We’re stuck on pastels. Our bedroom is a minty green,

the living room is yellow,

and now the cat room/office is a soft purple. The rodent room is still the original darker blue bottom/dark green chair rail/cream top

but that will change eventually as well. The kitchen will probably remain white/cream when we decide to repaint it (and finally paint over those awful stencils!) I suppose there’s nothing wrong with light colors and it’s not like I picked these shades on my own. I kind of expected a certain amount of resistance to my purple suggestion but I really didn’t get any. I’m pleased with the result and Adam says the color is relaxing.
Next up on the home improvement front – staining the window frames. Adam and his dad put the new casing up this weekend. I did a bit of spring cleaning but I'm not done yet.
An update on the Oscar movie front: This weekend I knocked off The Savages and Charlie Wilson's War. Kind of an unintentional Philip Seymour Hoffman trend going there. Both movies were decent. I would probably say I enjoyed The Savages more but that might be because I like Laura Linney and Julia Roberts annoys me. Anyway, two more done. Woo!
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