Adam (and everyone else at Convergys) got a long weekend when their system crashed. So there was no happy hour on Friday since they all went out on Thursday. And since Friday was day two (ie: Martha works until 6pm on day one and then goes back to work at 6:30am on day two so she can get her estimate done by 10am) there was no way I would be joining them in their carousing. Oh well. Saturday was spent doing some shopping, Adam put the poly on the window in the rodent room, and I don’t really remember what I did. Adam also built the shelving for the computer desk:

On Sunday Adam’s dad came over and the finished the workshop in the basement by installing the baseboards and also put up the brick-mold on the window that was missing it. Well, part of it. They sent 4 of the same pieces and we’re missing the bottom part. That should be coming soon and then the windows will be done. Adam put poly on the cat room window Sunday morning as well.

I cleaned critter cages and spent some time catching up on my DVR shows. We watched another Oscar movie as well: Transformers. Admittedly, not one I was excited about. But seriously, it’s a pretty good movie. It clocks in at 2 hours, 20 minutes. And it takes 1 hour and 6 minutes for them to even tell you what the plot is and another 1 hour and 6 minutes for good to triumph and the guy to get the girl. But it doesn’t feel like 2 hours and 20 minutes. The special effects are not distracting, which is something I’m always worried about with this sci-fi, cartoon-inspired movies. Shia LeBoeuf has some great lines and hilarious reaction shots. Not knowing anything about Transformers (I was more a Barbie and My Little Pony kid, although I do recall a massive amount of Micro Machines…) I was a little slow on the whole evil guys have red eyes thing. Anywho, even if you think this movie is probably stupid, go ahead and watch it. You might be surprised.
I also went through my CD collection and purged about 95% of it. I figure I've put all the songs I want from the CDs on the iPod, so why take up space (that we need for DVDs) with the CDs? Hopefully we'll get up to the media exchange place sometime soon to see if I'll make any money from them. I just trashed my cassettes.
Culinary adventures during the week were kind of limited since I was feeling totally lazy and tired. I think we went with leftovers for most of the week. Saturday night I made a duo of corny dishes: corn cakes and corn bites.

Sunday night was a pasta dish with ground turkey and leek. It was quite yummy.

Anyway, Monday night was the final handbell practice of the season. We ring this Saturday and we’re done. Next week we clean the bells and pack up the tables for the summer. The week after that we have our end of the season shindig and Culvers. Tuesday was relaxing and I spent the evening watching 27 Dresses while Adam watched wrestling in the living room. Wednesday night while cooking dinner I discovered we have an infestation of ants. Adam mowed the lawn when he got home, we ate (Cabbage with bacon and home fries

if you wanted to know), and then we headed to arm ourselves with the necessary items for a three prong attack against the insect invaders. Adam caulked the space between the counter/backsplash and the wall which is where we suspected the ants were getting in. We also set out four ant traps to catch anyone already inside. We tried to hide them among small appliances so that cats (well, ok, just JC) wouldn’t find them and try to eat them. They do smell like peanut butter… Third prong is some ant dust that Adam put outside last night. We’ll see how well our plan works. We had tickets to Spamalot yesterday and that was a lot of fun. Well rounded and offensive to pretty much everyone, chock full of Monty Python jokes and general hilarity. I didn't get to see Clay Aiken (ha) but it was still a good show.
This weekend doesn’t have a lot on my list. The normal shopping and cleaning is always there. I’ve got another Oscar movie waiting to be watched: The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. No idea what it’s about. (Pause for a quick trip to IMDB) Hey, it’s French! Anyway, so I’m almost certain I’ll be watching that one alone.
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