Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Some Christmas Favorites

Trans-Siberian Orchestra's "Christmas Canon" (won't let me embed). Now in normal circumstances I cannot STAND the Pachabel Canon. Call it the cellist's curse. But this I can deal with.

"When Love is Gone", my favorite song from The Muppet Christmas Carol

"O Holy Night", as performed by Celine Dion. The best I've found.

Close second: Celtic Woman.

"The Twelve Pains of Christmas" - kind of a creepy video, but funny if only because the same guy plays all the parts.

"Baby it's Cold Outside" a la Glee:

And the only song I can honestly say I CANNOT STAND:

"Happy Xmas" by John Lennon and that awful children's choir. They played it nonstop when I worked at Kmart and I had enough of that for a lifetime.

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