Saturday morning I left to do this week’s shopping and Adam left for a day of golf with his uncle Rich and some of his friends. I got back home, unpacked stuff, made lunch, did some reading, went back out to run a few more errands (I mean, really, why isn’t everything open at 8am?) and then came back home. I made some mini-cheesecakes for dessert, read a little more, and discovered it was already 5pm. Time flies.
Sunday morning Adam decided he wanted to touch up the trim around the house. He went outside to scrape the window by the garage and discovered it was completed rotted out. So, as usual, a small, simple, inexpensive home repair turns into a large, expensive ordeal.
I fear the weekends where Adam has free time and wants to do stuff around the house. I know eventually these things would have to be done anyway, but it seems like every time he tries to do something seemingly harmless and cheap, it turns into some big, expensive situation.
Anyway, so he replaced the window in the garage yesterday afternoon with my help initially and then his dad’s assistance later on (I went and took an “accidental nap” with Connor.) We then headed up to have dinner with his grandma and aunt and uncle who are up visiting from Florida. We came back home, watched a couple Conan’s, and finished up the weekend.
Monday night Adam made the chicken he had originally planned for Sunday night. The rest of the week was pretty boring.
I had my annual biometric testing Friday morning. My blood pressure was high again (as it is EVERY SINGLE TIME!) and this time they made me sign something acknowledging that I knew it was high. Hmmm. At least this year I didn't gush blood after they drew their vial's worth. Whew. I hate giving blood.
We went to the drive-in last night and saw G-Force (cute) and The Proposal (not as good as I thought it would be.) It was crowded again and it started to rain a little during the second movie. This might be the last trip up there for the season. We'll see what movies they get for the end of August and how long they stay open.
Today I slept in kind of late and Adam was up earlier to do some work. We went grocery shopping. I vaccuumed, did some other shopping. Adam got some golf GPS thing. Had dinner. And now I'm sitting here.
Tomorrow Adam's going golfing in the morning. I plan to make some Chocolate Mint Bars and catch up on some reading. We've got reservations at The Melting Pot for dinner and we also have some shopping to get done at Menards and Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Fun stuff.
This week starts another month-end cycle. They seem to creep up on my faster and faster. But soon it will be time for our vacation, so that's something to look forward to - we can relax like Ted here:

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