Adam worked Saturday morning so we did our grocery shopping on Friday after work. After Adam left on Saturday I did the rest of the week’s errands. There were quite a few. Walmart (augh! Cat food week!), Walgreens, Petco, Sam’s Club, Piggly Wiggly. I was only out for about two hours, but I was tired by the time I got back home.
I also stopped at Barnes and Noble while I was in the area. I’d been kicking around the idea of buying Kristin Chenoweth’s book, seeing as how I figured it would take about a year to get to the top of the wait list at the library. I went in to see how much it would cost me and I couldn’t resist. After I got home and put away all the other stuff I had bought I settled into the sofa and started to read it. I couldn’t put it down. Adam got home a little after one and aside from some short breaks to help him take measurements downstairs for pipe insulation (and then later install said insulation), I read the whole book in one afternoon. It’s that good. Seriously, go read it right now. It’s written in much the same way she speaks – kind of stream of consciousness, but not so jumbled that it’s obnoxious. And it’s hilarious. Laugh out loud funny. She’s such an adorable lady, it was great to hear more from her. There are rumors there will be a movie version of "Wicked" and she’ll take her Galinda role back. That would be awesome (assuming it’s done better than that calamity of a Phantom of the Opera film. Bleck!)
On Sunday Adam decided we needed to replace the insulation/weather-stripping around the garage door. I once again played the role of tool-girl to help with measurements. He went to Menards and then came home with his dad in tow. I did some cleaning and then sat down to watch Australia, which had been festering on the end table for about a week. I was avoiding it. I was bored within the first two minutes. I was bothered by the Baz Luhrman-ness. Nicole Kidman was annoying. I lasted an hour. I then decided my time was worth more than that and flipped to the Food Network. It was only nominated for best costumes, so I don’t feel too bad about not watching it all. Although, speaking of costumes, I thought Nicole Kidman’s skinny, high-waisted skirt thing got old really fast. *sigh*
Three left: Defiance, Frozen River, Gran Torino
Adam made steak for dinner, I read some more Sebold, watched "Law & Order" from last night, went to bed. A pretty boring weekend.
This week was…different. Tuesday evening was the third of four IMA board meetings. Unlike the previous meeting, I didn’t monopolize too much of the discussion. I did somehow get volunteered to arrange catering for a meeting. I’m still not sure how that happened. Eh. We had a few tentative ideas fall through but I think we’ll be in good shape. Some interesting topics.
Wednesday I stayed home from work – a combination of cat-induced sleep deprivation, unexplained rib-area pain, lasting effects from an ill advised bowl of Ben & Jerry’s, and, honestly, a need for a mental vacation. I slept until a car alarm went off for five minutes outside and Ted starting yowling (in the hallway – he gets the best accoustics there.) I gave up and got up and made lunch. I caught up on some Money things I’d been procrastinating on, did laundry, watched Danika (which I had previously started watched last week when Adam was off golfing but it got scary and it was dark and I was alone and I'm a big baby), and napped to old Food Network shows. They were showing re-runs from the 2004-05 time frame. And wow, Ina looks a lot younger then!
Adam got home and after the cats were fed we went to dinner – his choice for the month. He opted for Old Bavarian – a German restaurant up in Appleton. Seeing as how I don’t like pork, my choices were limited. He got schnitzel that had eggs on top of it. I got pasta and proceeded to make a mess of my shirt. Grrr. Story of my life.
Thursday started off badly when I slammed my knee into my sink while toweling off after my shower. Later in the day I got gashed in the neck by Carly again. Seriously, I can’t pick that cat up without her scratching me. We decided to go try the new comedy club in Neenah that’s in the building that used to house The Meadows – where we had our wedding reception. They certainly revamped it! It’s divided into a bar/grill – Gilligan’s – and the comedy club. We got there a bit early so we sat in the bar area until they started seating. The nice thing about this place is you can order real food in the club. Unlike Skyline, where your meal options are limited to nachos and pretzel bites. They still have the fruity drinks topped with whipped cream and umbrellas though, so it’s like the best of both worlds. (Uh oh, "Hannah Montana" reference. Why did I think of that just now? I’m so lame.)
The emcee was not so great, but the featured comedian and the headliner were both very good. Laughter is good for you. And we learned that Mitch Fatel will be there in December. Very excited about that! It’s not too often that we get people like him in the area.
It was another long night last night. After kind of catching up on my sleep on Wednesday I pretty much immediately went back in the hole. Carly’s back to her “must eat every hour and a half” thing again. She’s not a baby, so I’m not sure what’s up with this “sleep regression” thing. It’s obnoxious. Adam tells me to ignore her, but he’s not the one being jumped on or bopped in the face with a kitty paw. I told him last night that if I had to get up more than three times I was going to wake him up and make him take her. So at about 5:30, when she woke me up for the fourth time, I shook him awake. He complained – why should both of us be made grumpy by the cat? It’s not his fault he sleeps so deeply he never hears the commotion. Nice. Yet another reason we’re not going to have kids.
This weekend doesn’t look too busy. I think Adam’s going to try and go golfing tomorrow. We’ve got a movie sitting at home to watch (not an Oscar one though.) I’ve got some catch-up cleaning to take care of. I went to the library tonight so I have a new batch of books to get through - some Rand, some Weiner, some Nabokov. Quite the variety there...
And now, because this post isn't already long enough, and it's been too long since our last installment of cute kitty pictures:
It's Nature, Carly Brown!

Kitties In a Line

Carly's not the only one who is environmentally concerned...

Cuddle Muffins

See - even being covered in cats couldn't get me to put that book down.

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