As seems to be the trend this winter, the day before inventory was met with a major snowstorm. We got dumped on. And it appears that Oshkosh misplaced all its snow plows. This is unfortunate since, well, the roads got snowed on as well. It’s a mess. It took almost a week (and two days of temperatures in the 40s) for the roads to be bearable. Luckily Neenah didn’t misplace their plows, but it still made for an interesting ride to work each morning. And the highway. Good lord. On Friday morning it was just terrible. I ended up going back through town after picking up the donuts rather than brave the chaos on 41.
Last weekend was pretty uneventful. We did our shopping on Saturday. Went out to breakfast and had the weirdest waitress at IHOP. We figure she must have been an airline stewardess in a previous life. Even went to Simon’s. Then we tried to watch Hellboy II. I say “tried” because Adam got bored about 20 minutes in and I only lasted a little more than an hour. When some jelly bean looking green thing sucked up sewage and became some freaked out Green Giant forest monster thing I was done. So stupid. Granted, I didn’t see Hellboy 1, so maybe I was missing something. It was nominated for make-up or costumes or something so I don’t feel too badly that I didn’t watch the whole thing. It was just so dumb. (…wait for backlash from die-hard Hellboy fans a la Cinderella Man a few years back…)
Anywho, Sunday morning Adam decided it was time to replace the instant hot water thing in the kitchen. It had been dying a slow, painful death anyway, so it was probably nice of him to finally put it out of its misery. He did some online research and went and got a new Insinkerator faucet. We have now replaced every Kenmore appliance in the house. Woot. (Not that Kenmore is a bad brand. I mean they were original to the house so they had to have some kind of staying power. But it’s just not our thing…) I did the tool-girl thing again. He swapped it out in under an hour. Pretty impressive since the instructions had a 2 to 4 hour time estimate. The new one is about twice as large as the old one and has an actual thermostat. Yay.

I left for Sheboygan around 10:15. I had lunch plans with Jess since it was her birthday. The drive down wasn’t bad. It was weird seeing all kind of cars parked on the street in the city though. Pretty much no one parks on the street in the Fox Cities while seemingly everyone does in Sheboygan. I felt like I was playing Frogger, but my car was the frog. Anywho, I stopped in and said hi and then we went to lunch at a Chinese place. In an old Hardee’s building. By the abandoned Walmart. Oh yeah, about that. Apparently since the Walmart no longer exists they don’t bother to plow that part of the parking lot. Didn’t notice that until I was already giving my struts a work-out. It was bumpy. And some poor car followed me into that mess. I kind of felt bad about that. The buffet was the biggest I’d seen in some time. We usually order in our Chinese food from a place that delivers in record time. Everything looked good and was infinitely better than the last buffet experience I had. (It was all my fault though, so there’s no one else to blame.) We ate, talked. During this time I had a random phone call which was weird for two reasons: 1) no one ever calls me. Seriously. 2) It was a strange area code. I didn’t answer it, of course. After we left I saw I had a message. It was Catherine (the sister) telling me she had a new phone number. So, mystery solved. We went back to Jess’ apartment and watched an episode of Solitary 3.0 on Hulu. Interesting show. I headed back home around 3. Did laundry and caught up on some stuff during the evening. And watched the first episode of the Solitary season on the PS3. Heh.
Monday morning was back to work. Because of the stupid short month of February day 1 ended up on a Monday again. I was at work until about 6 when I left to head to hand bell practice. We were missing two people so it was a short one. Which was good because I hadn’t eaten dinner. I stopped and picked up something for both of us on the way home since Adam had also stayed late at work. We ate as we watched the first episode of The Celebrity Apprentice. I went to bed and Adam stayed up a little while working on something (work related I’m guessing.)
Monday night was rough. We went to bed later than usual, Adam had some gastrointestinal issues, the cats were annoying, and I had to be at work at 6:30 so we had to get up early. So, yeah, I've been tired. Luckily the rest of the week was pretty low-key. On Tuesday there was a weird message on the answering machine and thanks to caller ID I saw it was Catherine (the sister) again. So I called her back to see if she needed something. Apparently she got a new iPhone and had butt-dialed our home number. (It's a funny commercial. Seriously, go watch it.) We talked for a bit before I had to feed the cats and make dinner.
Yesterday evening Adam went up to Green Bay to go shopping for new golf clubs with Dave. I caught up on some of my DVR shows and chilled with the cats.
Tonight we plan to hit the Monkey Bar for a while to celebrate his birthday a little early. The weekend holds some shopping, Adam works on Sunday again, and I hope to do some cleaning up around the place. Or take a nap. we'll see what wins out.
And now, for your viewing pleasure, some much needed cute cat pictures. They've been seriously lacking around here lately.
Ted sprawled on the bed in the computer room:

JC's latest toy - this obnoxiously green feather thing. And yes, there are now bits of green feather all over the house.

Conner conked out in the sun:

I'd try and post a cute picture of Carly, but every time I try and take her picture she glares at me. So not cute. So until she chills out you might not see too much of her. We'll see.
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