Sunday, September 07, 2008

A Hairy Situation

I'm having a problem making a decision. I've been procrastinating on getting a haircut because I'm not sure what I want to do. Adam pretty much always tells me to just shave my head but that's not happening. I like longer hair, but it gets to a point where unless I devote more attention to it it just looks like crap. It's to that point now so I need to regroup.

So I went online to look for one of those things where you upload your picture and can see what you'd look like with certain styles. What do you think (just ignore the hideous color - it was the closest to red I could find)?

Or how about this one?

Bwahahaha, just kidding.

I suppose the only way to go is shorter, but it looks to me like layers might be too much work for me. I'm a wash, towel dry, run a comb through it kind of person. I don't even have a hair dryer or hairspray. I do have a flat iron, but even that has gotten very little use. I was hoping it would eliminate frizz, but it didn't really do what I wanted it to. I also have some leave-in conditioner spray but that makes my hair greasy. I'm totally lazy and don't really want to add 10 minutes to my morning just to arrange my hair. I'd be thrilled if I could get something that takes no additional effort on my part.

So I'm looking for opinions. Ideas. Suggestions. Something I can take to Cost Cutters and hand to the hair cutting person.

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