As the rodents all recently passed the two-year mark we knew it was only a matter of time before they started their last laps with us. Barry had concerned me a couple weeks ago when I noticed he rarely came out of his house. Then he stopped eating. When we saw him stumbling around his cage after I cleaned it last weekend we knew his time was limited. So we tried to bother him as little as possible while still checking if he was with us on a daily basis. He was here on Tuesday night. He wasn't last night. Even though it was no surprise and he had what we hoped was a good life with us, it was still hard to put it all in a garbage bag on the curb.
I fear the next to go might be Gus. His eyes have been strange lately and he doesn't sleep in his house anymore, which I find weird. Howie, on the other hand, is as feisty as ever even though we got him months before the others. It's like Survivor: Hamster Edition, and Howie's kicking ass.
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