Here's a before and after for you:

Other than that it was a pretty basic, no frills weekend. We watched Surf’s Up (another Oscar movie! 11 more to go!) and PS: I Love You. I also watched Sex and Breakfast on my own on Saturday evening. Surf’s Up is a cute movie, reminiscent of Happy Feet. I’m not altogether sure why so many penguins took up surfing in a tropical climate, but whatever. PS: I Love You was not as bad as all the critics painted it to be. It’s questionable in its entire premise, but overall a sweet film. And Harry Connick Jr playing a guy with a social defect? Hilarious. Sex and Breakfast was also an interesting movie. Three of the four leads are pretty well known for other films/shows but this is very different from anything I’ve seen them in previously. It’s definitely not for everyone (plot in a nutshell: Two couples try to figure out what’s wrong with their relationships by engaging in group sex) but it was interesting.
On the culinary front, I accomplished what I had set out to do: BBQ Pork, Spaghetti with asparagus and bacon, and the Moo-Less Pie. I also baked a batch of peanut butter cup cookies. Even though it’s summer now and not really cookie-baking weather. Yum-a-licious.
One major bummer caused by the recent deluges across the state is that we got a call yesterday from Mirror Lake. Turns out they’re under water so our camping trip next weekend is cancelled. Boo. Looks like Lake Delton (where the park is) was hit pretty badly. That sucks. Hopefully nothing happens up in Door County so we can get at least one trip in! But now we’ve got a weekend with nothing to do. I’m sure we’ll figure out something. Adam has suggested a trip to Sault Ste Marie, but we’ll have to think about that.
This coming weekend will be a fun one. Adam’s aunt and uncle are in town from Florida for a little while. We’re having brunch over at his parents’ house on Saturday morning and then everyone (plus my dad and Cheryl) is coming over to our house for a cook out dinner. This means some power cleaning on Friday night and Saturday morning. It’s amazing how much kitty litter the cats trek all over the house. They will be banished to their room while people are here. Conner and Ted would probably be hiding regardless, but we don’t want JC to be obnoxious. Although he doesn’t dig being shut in a room so they might get to hear some kitty whining.
But for now I'll leave you with a cute picture of a kitty paw. Trying to grab my foot and eat it.

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