The only size they carried in the store was the medium and we needed the large. So we went to Lowe’s to see what they had. All of their glass doors were by special order only and since we had a lot of gift cards we picked up the brochure to look at and think about. We also picked up a fan dimmer switch since Adam wanted to change the fireplace fan to be adjustable. We stopped by Menards to see if they still carried stand alone glass doors but discovered they carried only the same kind of doors with a frame that Home Depot and Lowe’s had. We went home and Adam changed the fan switch over without electrocuting himself. We then went back to Lowe’s and ordered the fireplace doors since we couldn’t do it online because we had an additional 10% off coupon. We got the doors and some random hardware (for hanging the fire extinguishers) for less than $20. Yay for gift cards! We stopped by Walmart on the way home to pick up a gazillion pictures and announcement cards I’d printed the night before. Adam baked our second batch of Amish friendship bread (yum) and watched some football while I cleaned hamster cages and prepped the announcements and pictures. We headed over to Menasha for the Rotary Club’s Seafood Fest for dinner. It was a decent-sized event with live music and very reasonably priced (and good) food. It was a bit chilly but we walked a little by the lake before heading back home. On Sunday we went up to Green Bay to visit with Adam’s grandmother (and restock on cookies.) We stopped for some shoes and additional pictures before getting back home to watch the Packer game. I spent most of it putting honeymoon pictures in the photo albums and doing laundry. Adam painted the garage side-entry door this weekend and we started stacking firewood in the storage space next to the fireplace inside the house as well. All in all I think we did ok for keeping busy.
My week is a little busier than usual with hand bells tonight, IMA tomorrow, and a UWO accounting group get-together on Friday. I went to the DMV during lunch today and would have been in and out in about 5 minutes except for the fact that the teller I went to couldn’t figure out how to change my name on my car title. She sat there clicking around on her screen and getting frustrated for about 15 minutes. She finally got fed-up and told me to go to a different clerk. She was able to do it in 2 minutes, I got my picture taken, and was out of there. *sigh* It never goes smoothly at the DMV. So I am now officially a Paalman:

I’ve sent off most of the notifications to change my name elsewhere. Now if I could only get the HR person at work to get me the paperwork. Our new checks arrived on Saturday along with my new debit cards. Things are going well.
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