Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Final Damage - Our Wedding Budget Results

This is the most complete breakdown of our wedding budget you'll probably get. Now that it's over I'm less likely to analyze it further. So here we go (along with the huge space blogger inserts when you put a table in...):

Category Amount
Administrative 236.62
Gifts (all) 809.42
Bridal Fashion 1,169.89
Bridesmaid Lunch 70.26
Cake 428.60
Cameras 106.87
Ceremony 34.96
DJ 615.00
Favors 193.41
Hair & Nails 227.96
Honeymoon 5,432.17
Photography 1,984.50
Postage 95.15
Reception (Food, Linens) 1,760.40
Reception Décor 407.28
Rings (excludes engagement) 1,018.48
Stationery 105.99
Grand Total 14,696.96

You may notice a few categories missing: flowers, alcohol at the reception, to mention a couple. This is because Adam's parents generously covered those categories so I have no information about costs since we didn't pay for them. My parents also chipped in a bit but they are of the "here's some money, do with it what you will" camp so I did include the dollar amounts from their categories in our totals.

Any questions, feel free to ask. I might have done some creative combining to get the number of categories down.

In other wedding news, we got an email from our photographer with a link to our proofs. It's password protected so I can't share them but I browsed through them a few days ago and it looks like there's a lot of good stuff there. More on that in the future.

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