Anywho, forget the weekend because I'm probably not going to get around to talking about it. You can see the great tree chopping from the last post. We also did some shopping. Had some people over for a cook out last night. That's about it.
Today I went to the Social Security Administration building during lunch to apply for a new card in the Paalman name. Did you know they have armed guards at the SSA office? A dinky little building in downtown Oshkosh and they've got a big guy with a gun sitting at a table when you walk in. And they have an automated machine to give you a number that the clerks never call. In any case, it was a piece of cake and I should have my new card in 7 to 10 days. Then I get to go wait in a line at the DMV. Then I get to wait for months to get everything else changed. Woo.
I'm kind of in a Paalman/Dodds limbo. I'm Paalman at work but Dodds pretty much everywhere else. It's an identity crisis of kinds. Who am I? Luckily my initials are pretty easy to fudge a D to a P or vice versa.
In other news, I finally went through all our pictures and weeded out the crap so we can go ahead and print them. I ended up with a little more than 500 total - wedding, reception, and honeymoon. And this doesn't include any professional pictures! Wow.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, my favorite picture so far is courtesy of Evan:

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