During lunch today when I ran to get my mail from my PO Box, I heard the DJ on the radio say “Happy Good Friday.” Is it just me or does that seem kind of inappropriate? Perhaps this is a strange comment, seeing as it’s coming from me and all, but it just seems wrong. Even though I don’t buy in to most of what it all stands for I still try to respect other peoples’ beliefs. It’s like saying “Happy anniversary of your mother’s death! Let’s go grab a beer!” While it’s true that lots of people are either not Christian or are not very good Christians, the serious ones are still out there and I can’t help but think they’d be offended by that kind of remark. Good Friday is not the day to celebrate. Easter Sunday, yes, go crazy. Good Friday, not so much.
Speaking of Easter, the handbells play at the 11:30am mass on Sunday. I plan on getting there plenty early since I’m told the crowd will be large. At least I know I won’t have to fight for a seat. Adam works 8-5 at Wal-mart and we’re supposed to go over to his parents’ house for dinner at 6. Rumor is we’re having spaghetti. I like it that they’re not very traditional when it comes to holiday fare. I mean we had Taco Bell the first time I went over there for Easter and lasagna for Thanksgiving the year before last.
And now, perhaps in a statement similar to that about which I opened this blog complaining:
The best thing about Easter is…
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