Sunday, October 25, 2009

Photographic Memory #12 - Ode to SC

It's been so rainy and dreary here lately, I feel like we need to see some good weather and sunshine. So, I give you South Carolina - home of sun and the ocean (and hurricanes and cheating politicians and outspoken hecklers of the president. But I digress...)

Here I am back in 1999, standing in the Atlantic Ocean for the first time:

I was visiting Evan between my junior and senior year of high school. I attended a science class of some sort with Jodi and distinctly remember thinking "if this is what college is like, it'll be a breeze." (Ha. It was the first day, which pretty much included handing out a syllabus.)

I was back less than a year later with the rest of the family to celebrate Evan's graduation from USC.

I stood in the ocean again:

Explored my Confederate side:

And posed for a really bad picture at the airport:

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