Otherwise, Saturday was shopping in the morning, sports in the afternoon. I made a macaroni and cheese for dinner that made us both sick and ruined any going out plans we may have had. Oops, my bad.
Sunday morning we lazed around in bed for an hour. That’s unheard of in this house! When we finally hauled ourselves out of bed, I made pancakes for breakfast and we read the paper. Then we got to work cleaning down in the basement. It had gotten kind of out of hand with recent additions and the hasty rearrangement that was done back in June when we had the sump pump issue. So now everything is organized (at the expense of many spiders) and we got rid of some stuff at Goodwill. Did you know they take Christmas trees? Awesome. We also stopped at Menards while we were up in Appleton so Adam could find some cheap carpet to cover the floor in his workshop when he paints things.
We got home just after the game started. Another horrible game. With interceptions. Boo. Eventually we stopped watching that game and flipped to the Brewers instead. Much happier game there. With champagne. We ordered Chinese food for dinner and watched the previous night’s "SNL". It wasn’t even the slightest bit funny. It actually kind of sucked. They need to work on that. We also watched premieres of all the new shows on Fox. Throughout the whole evening Adam was online checking out AT&T U-Verse since apparently we no longer get Fox since the local channel couldn’t reach an agreement with Time Warner (well, ok, they gave us a cheap antenna so we kind of get it.) We’ve got an installation appointment scheduled for a couple weeks from now so we’ll see what happens. I think we’ll probably switch even if WLUK works things out. AT&T has more HD channels and is cheaper than Time Warner (even with the $10 you have to pay for the HD channels. Take that, puppies.) We can even switch our phone number over.
This past week kind of sucked. Wait, let’s try and put a positive spin on things. Monday wasn't bad - a normal day with handbells. But it turns out all the new people aren't actually joining so we're down a person instead of down one, up three. Tuesday was inventory day. Ugh. Wednesday was day one, the day I usually stay late. But it was also the first of our PAC performances – Hamlet. I left work at 5:30 and we picked up dinner on the way to Appleton. We had our usual box seats, one level down. The play was...bad. Weird lighting, a Hamlet who yelled all his lines, an over-acting ghost/player, a Polonius who had memory problems. Add to that the fact that I had to be at work at 6(ish) the next morning, and leaving at intermission was an easy decision. Thursday was day two and I got to work at about 6:15. I had my estimate (due at 10) to Katie by about 10:10. But the rest of the day was challenging. I told Karen, the payables person who sits next to me, that I felt like Sisyphus. I brought home some railcar and silo paperwork and did that at home Thursday evening.
The best thing about working at home:

The worst thing about working at home:

Friday was more of the same although I somehow managed to finish WIP, raw materials, and finished good valuations. I brought home some of the reserve files to work on this weekend. I haven't looked at them yet, but the day is still kind of young. And there's a lot of sports this afternoon to occupy Adam's attention.
We hit our new favorite spot - The Monkey Bar - on Friday night. It was, once again, completely not busy. Kind of strange, although the bartender (the same as last time) said it was still kind of early. Another couple came in a while later and we had a good time. I told Adam on the way back to the car that we should have gotten their phone number. They seemed to be in a very similar place in life - recently married, just bought a house - and were a lot of fun. Are there dating sites for couples? (And I don't mean that in a weird sexual way - I'm being serious...) It's hard these days, with all the people our age having kids and being boring. *sigh*
Saturday was networking day. As in Adam spent the whole day pulling wires and setting up a monster network throughout the whole house. I got to stick my hand through walls, pull on a coat hanger, hold a spool of cable, hold a flashlight up so he could see when wiring, yell up when I saw lights blink, and be generally helpful when possible. I also baked a cake. With some help from Betty Crocker. Ok, a lot of help. After dinner (crockpot beef roast! yum!) we did some shopping. Dropped some major coin on pet supplies and a new safe.
Today we lazed around again. Seems to be a new Sunday tradition. We ate breakfast, read the paper, and then Adam went to Menards to get his workshop furniture. I vacuumed. And here we are.
In hair news, I went out and got some smoothing, anti-frizz gunk to put in my hair. It seems to be doing its job and so far I haven’t noticed a rash or incredibly greasy result. I also bought hairspray. Yes, I didn’t even own hairspray. Gasp. I’ve been playing with an off center part, going back and forth between which side I like better. Lately though I've chosen to part it on my right side in an attempt to cover up the huge gash in my face. Last Friday night JC decided to fall off the bed in the middle of the night and scratch me on his way down. It's almost gone, but it made me look great!
And as if there needed to be something else mundane that the cats freak out about, here's JC with the box from the buttload of ramen we got last week:

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