Dinner on Monday was fun. It’s too bad Adam couldn’t come because I think he would have liked the restaurant. Hopefully we’ll have a chance to go back again and bring him along. Catherine (the sister) called my dad to wish him a happy birthday as I was preparing to head back home so we spoke a little. Kind of. I’m not a telephone person.
I didn’t get called in for jury duty on Tuesday either so not only was I stuck with the auditors, but I also got another letter in the mail putting me on the list for the week of November 10th. We’ll see what happens in round two. As far as the auditors go, it was only a two day deal. It’s difficult to explain the archaic methods I use to value our inventory. It’s even more difficult when the person you’re trying to explain things to isn’t getting it. I wish we could have the same guys each year. It would save us both a lot of time. All in all it wasn’t too bad of a visit. I did end up in the basement pulling invoices from 2005 though. Hopefully they got what they needed.
Wednesday was another day with the auditors. By the time I left for the day all I wanted to do was go home, feed the cats, and sit on the couch and veg. So when I got home, hit the garage door opener, and nothing happened, I was kind of ticked. I figured perhaps the battery had died. So I got out of the car and punched in the code. Still nothing. I called Adam. I got into the house through the front door and discovered that the garage door opener engine had most likely died. Fabulous. I fed the cats and then headed up to meet Adam. We went to Menards and found a “whisper drive” opener that was on sale. On the way home I stopped and picked up some dinner while Adam called his dad. They installed the new opener and all is good. Such handy guys. It really is a lot quieter than the old one. Not so excited about the unexpected $200 expense though.
Thursday was a better day. A relatively unstressful day at work and we went out for dinner. Adam had been noted that we never go to Mexican restaurants. Since I’m not really into that cuisine it’s not necessarily on the top of my list when I schedule a night out. But I figured we could try it. We went to Zacatecas downtown. It was not crowded at all, which was nice. Some free chips and salsa and a couple margaritas got us off to a good start. I usually avoid the salsa because it’s either too hot for me or has cilantro in it (or both!) I ordered the night’s special – chicken fajitas (resisting the urge to order it as fuh-ji-tas as Adam (mis)pronounces it) and Adam got some seafood enchiladas. Delicious all around. And as Adam observed this morning, it must have been good Mexican food since neither of us had a terrible mid-night bathroom experience. Heh. We caught up on some DVR programs when we got home.
The weekend didn't have too much going on. We got some wood and closed off the bottom of the box spring in the guest room since the cats had started tearing that one apart. We also had Lakshmi’s dinner party yesterday evening. Lots of spicy Indian foods - a very interesting experience. Today is pretty much free. We had the AT&T installation this morning, but that’s it. We plan to sit by the fire and do nothing for the rest of the day. Of course how often do things go as planned? So we’ll see what actually happens. I baked some cookies and made another cake (with some help from my friend Betty) this morning. Adam found a drunken chicken recipe that we’ll try on the grill for dinner.
I took new pictures for my frame at my desk so I figure I can post some updated ones here as well.
Here's Mo

and Einstein

JC attacking the cat scratcher

Ted eyeing me suspiciously

Conner looking all intense

Ted and JC hanging out on the box spring. They tipped it over about 2 minutes after I took this picture...

JC by Adam's Taz slippers

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