Whoops. In our defense, it’s not like it was labeled. It had held up to almost a year in the freezer with no sign of its age. It was as moist and delicious as it was last year.

And we still shared it with everyone. Aren’t we nice? We did pretty well with leftovers too – that is not having a ton of them. Good planning on our part.
This week will be pretty light on cooking duty. We should be done with the majority of the leftovers tonight. This coming weekend will be full of fun dining. We’ll be heading to Kiel on Saturday to have dinner with my dad and Cheryl. Sunday night we have reservations at The Melting Pot. We really worked this one out well. We have a coupon for free chocolate fondue since Adam’s a member of their club and they know our anniversary. We also have a Supple Restaurant Group gift card from one of Adam’s co-workers and The Melting Pot is part of their empire here in the Fox Valley. So we could potentially eat there for nothing (or way less than normal) out of pocket. Sweet deal. Looking forward to that. That’s pretty much our anniversary celebration plans.
This afternoon we (finally) have our first meeting with an estate planning lawyer. Not that either of us have any great stash we need to protect, but we figured we should get the power of attorney, pull the plug kind of thing taken care of. We called for the appointment back in May but this was the earliest we could get in. Crazy. It should be a good time, sharing with a lawyer how much we don’t have in net worth. Our home equity is still in the negative range, but it’s slowly creeping up to zero. Adam suggested we just make an extra payment to zero it out. Tempting, but since we don’t plan to sell or try and take out loans anytime soon I’m in no hurry to throw money in that direction. It is kind of depressing to see that negative each month though. Boo.
Tomorrow is the annual summer employee cookout here at Milprint. It’s usually catered in by La Sure’s and it’s pretty good. We don’t have a company picnic or anything like some places do. We have a summer cookout, a Christmas dinner, and an omelet breakfast throughout the year. Tomorrow afternoon is the meeting about the new wellness program they’re forcing on everyone. In order to get health insurance through Bemis, everyone must go through biometric testing for Kersh Wellness. They’ve had this program for a few years giving employees the opportunity to lower their part of the premium by documenting stuff or something. I avoided it since I’m totally lazy. But now I am kind of forced to participate. Granted, I don’t have to wear a pedometer to track steps or anything, but I will have to be unwillingly examined and have blood drawn in September. Not happy about that, but whatever. Hopefully the meeting tomorrow will help me to resent it less. We’ll see.
That’s about it for this week I think. We need to start planning for our one and only camping trip next week. I think we’re still kicking around whether we want to do one night or two. There’s not a lot going on up there right now since the cherry season suffered from bad weather. We’ll go up to Washington Island to visit the camels and we’ll stop at the candy store. Other than that, who knows?
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