Adam has had a lot of time off from work these past two weeks between air conditioning problems and lack of work at the beginning of the new fiscal year. So he’s had some time to sit at home and accomplish things. Yesterday he rented a pressure washer and cleaned the siding. Something we’d meant to do before we even moved in over a year ago. Hey, better late than never, right? He also went out and got me another anniversary gift: a 4-quart programmable crock pot.

I’d been looking for a smaller one since the current 6-quart always makes way too many leftovers for the two of us to wade through. It was hard to find a smaller version with a timer and auto-warm feature. I had found the model he ended up getting but couldn’t justify spending that much. But I’m ok with him spending it. Heh. I have a crock pot recipe on the menu for tomorrow so maybe I’ll try it out then. I still haven’t tried out the big spaghetti pot. The recipe I thought I was going to use it for turned out to not cook the noodles before putting them in the oven. Hrm. Eventually I’ll make some pasta or steam some veggies.
We’ve got a lot of cleaning ahead of us for this weekend. That’s the bad thing about throwing parties at your house – you have to make it presentable and temporarily banish the kitties. They never seem to be very happy about being shut up in their room, but when we open the door back up they’re undoubtedly all sleeping curled up in a ball on the bed. Cats…
Speaking of cats, it’s been a little while since I posted some sickeningly cute photos. Prepare to “Awwww.”

Ok, so that last one's not a cat, but still pretty cute, eh?
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