Friday, February 08, 2008

Staying Alive

Aaagh! Falling behind on blogging again. I’m getting really bad at this. Perhaps it’s because I spend my whole day working at a computer so by the time I get home I really don’t want to sit in front of one again to post blog entries. Or it could be that every time I open my laptop JC decides it’s time to play and walks back and forth on top of the keyboard, hitting function keys, and batting at the mouse movement on the screen. No matter what he was doing previously if he sees me sit down at the computer he scampers over to be obnoxious. And it’s not as though I can shut him out of the room. The computer is in the cat room. Grr.

Anyway, despite the unnecessarily lengthy lull in activity here, not much has been going on. The weather has been ridiculously crappy with snow, more snow, and, oh yeah, a couple days of -40 degree thrown in for fun. Gah. This has hampered my going out and about a little perhaps. It seems that every weekend it snows and is generally icky outside so I do my best to get my shopping done and over with as fast as I can. During the week I have my Monday handbell practice (which has been cancelled two of the last three weeks) and that’s about it.

This week was a little abnormal since Adam is out in California (on business, the lucky guy) until tomorrow afternoon. It’s weird being alone in the house and, if it’s possible, the cats seem to be even more obnoxious than usual. I’ve been keeping myself busy by watching the stupid stuff on TV that I can’t watch when Adam’s around - mostly a lot of E! and VH1. And I get a reprieve from all the men in spandex groping at each other (aka – the various forms of wrestling and ultimate fighting that seem to be on every single night) that Adam likes to watch. Of course I also have constant worst case scenarios running through my head of all the stuff that could go wrong while he’s not here. I think my favorite was the mental picture of me pulling too hard on the shower knob and pulling it out of the wall completely. Nothing like flooding the house in the middle of winter… I figure the solution to that would be to turn the water off, but I have to admit I’m not quite sure where that is. In the basement somewhere, right?

Aside from picturing the groundless household catastrophes, I’ve been intending to do some cleaning. Way back in August my mom brought a trunkful (as in “car trunkful”) of my stuff along with her on her cross-country road trip for our wedding. I kind of threw it all in the cat room closet and haven’t dealt with it yet. Yeah, it’s in there with my wedding dress, my dried bouquet, and a host of other stuff I’m not sure what to do with yet. So with Adam out of town I figure this is my opportunity to make a huge mess of the house with the intention of actually making it cleaner. Right. I also still have some items on my Dodds to Paalman transformation that I haven’t gotten around to. I just haven’t had the motivation to sit on hold for half an hour to talk to someone at the electric company. And they’re still getting paid, so does it really even matter? *sigh* I mean, Adam finally got his butt to the DMV to change his address (ahem, 8 months post-move…) so do I get some extra time to finish up my name-change stuff too?

Tonight I had dinner with the in-laws (Adam’s mom and sisters invited me out) so that was fun. Tomorrow I plan to sleep late, although I’m pretty sure that plan will be foiled by something with four paws and a tail. I don’t remember when Adam’s plane gets in but I think it’s sometime early afternoon and he should give me a call when they land anyway. I’m not sure what the plans are after he gets back. Grocery shopping and laundry will probably get pushed to Sunday, but we’ll see.

The rest of the month has some points of interest, I suppose. We have tickets at the PAC next Wednesday for the Scots Dragoon Guards. We’ll go out to Good Company beforehand thanks to my Dad and Cheryl’s Christmas gift. This will also probably be our Valentine’s Day celebration. The next Tuesday is this month’s IMA meeting. The topic is Fraud and Identity Theft so it could be a good time. This year, of course, is a leap year so all my month-end schedules will be thrown off. Gah. But it also means I get an extra day to prepare for inventory.

I plan to do some updating over at my cooking blog this weekend as well so maybe keep an eye out for that. Other than that I'm just trying to keep warm and not go stir crazy with cabin fever.

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