Saturday, February 09, 2008

Martha, the Poet?

So, as promised, I was going through all the stuff my mom had brought over that had ended up in the closet. There's an entire bag full of papers and what looks like school-related stuff and I came across a notebook. "Martha's Notebook" to be exact. In it are all kinds of poems written by yours truly. While I'm definitely not destined to win any awards, perhaps I'll share one from time to time because they're hilarious.

Most of them are untitled, but if I had to name this one I'd call it, "Will Make You Laugh Hysterically For No Apparent Reason." Enjoy the genius that was me at what I'm guessing to be age 7 or so...

Oh the poor little apple,
It was going to be in Snapple.
It had to get out
but apples can't shout,
so it simply rolled away.

It rolled through jungles,
it rolled through forests,
it rolled through weevily wheat.
It rolled and rolled and
rolled and rolled because
it had no feet.

Finally its fate caught it.
It caused the apple to sit.
To sit on the ground
turning brown
'cause someone had stomped on it.

1 comment:

walkingwing said...

I too have a collection of your early poetic works somewhere, featuring poems written for small stickers with animals on them. All I remember is something about rhyming bites with "pites", which with great poetic license you said meant the same as "pee". Anyhow, hope you had a fantastic birthday yesterday!