Saturday, February 16, 2008

On Snow...

Yesterday was bright and sunny. From indoors it looked like it was a nice day. And I suppose it was. But then you’d get outside and realize it was 2 degrees out. Stupid clear blue skies… I much prefer cloudy, dreary, comfortable 25 degree weather to the bright, sunny, freakin’ cold weather. Grrr. This whole winter thing is getting old. It’s been an especially rough season this year. Heaps of snow (that never seems to melt so it just keeps piling up), unnecessarily cold temperatures, harsh winds. Oh yeah, and there was even some tornados back a month or two ago. If that’s not the recipe for fun I don’t know what is. Enjoy some more fun-filled pictures:

And even though we get snow every single year (it’s not like this is Florida or something) people still haven’t figured out how to drive in it. It starts to snow and suddenly everyone turns into a 15-year-old punk. I don’t drive like a grandma. I drive cautiously, but not to the point of overdoing it. Sometimes I think it’s more dangerous to be driving too slowly than it is to be driving too fast. I try to drive so I use my brakes as little as possible, thereby eliminating the risk of skidding into another car or off the road. So I get peeved when some idiot drives erratically, varying speeds constantly. It’s terribly hard to follow a car like that and not want to send “drive into the ditch” vibes their way. But I’m also annoyed when the big pickup truck rushes up behind me and drives too closely for even the best of roadway conditions.

In an ideal world, everyone would drive like me. My driving history should support this stance. I’ve only been in one accident (and that was actually before I had my license, so perhaps that doesn’t even count) and it wasn’t even my fault. A guy ran a red light. The only times I’ve been pulled over (and I’ve only been pulled over three times) have been for burned out lights (two headlights, well, one headlight, two pullings-over two days in a row, and one taillight.) I did drive into a ditch on 23 once on my way back to school about five or six years ago but it was really shitty out and I probably should have stayed in Sheboygan. Plus I was able to drive back up onto the road and get back to Oshkosh. So, in conclusion, I am a good driver. Everyone else is not.

I'll end this post with a random cute and cuddly cat picture:

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