It’s been a rough couple of weeks. And it’s not over yet either. I’ve been fighting a cold for a long time now. It keeps traveling up and down from my head to the chest and back again. Right now it’s back in my nose. I’ve not been sleeping and Adam’s not been sleeping so we’re generally crabby most of the time. Makes for great heart-warming times when we clash on the weekend. Anyway, I hope eventually I’ll recover from this super-sized bug and get back to normal. It’s no fun walking around in a DayQuil fog all the time.
Adam made me go to the doctor last Thursday and other than getting a prescription for a curiously strong cough suppressant (a narcotic (woo!), which didn’t work) so we could sleep, he pretty much said, “You have a cold.” *sigh* Of course with the coughing comes a runny nose, headaches, unexplained hot flashes and sweating, and a general dislike of everyone and everything. Argh. But I survive.
In any case, luckily not much of importance went on over the last two weeks so I haven’t missed much. I was able to come home and collapse most evenings and the weekends were pretty low key with some light yard work and a shopping trip thrown in. I was pestered by internal auditors all last week and the guy assigned to inventory insisted on getting up uncomfortably close to me even though I told them all I was probably contagious. This week was a calm before the storm kind of week since next week is month-end and we’ve got external auditors coming too. Fun stuff. I plan to start doing some baking on weekends soon. There were a bunch of good recipes in the Taste of Home magazine I picked up and I also want to make tiramisu again.
I don’t know that I mentioned this before but Adam put a flagpole up a few weeks ago. He also got a fireplace cleaning log and lit that so we’re good with our homeowner’s insurance. He’s had a few fires over the past two weeks with the colder weather and is definitely enjoying the fireplace.
Name change is almost complete. All the important things are done: banks, credit cards, ID, insurance, etc. I’ve just got my library cards, a few other cards I rarely use, a few utilities, and, oh yeah, the house. I need to get on that last one. I also need to investigate changing my passport. I don’t know that we’ll be taking any trips in the near future that will require me to have one, but I might as well do it now when I’m thinking about it. Unfortunately since I got my passport back in 2003 I’ll have to pay the $97 to renew it rather than sneak in the name change for free. Oh well. I also ordered a new nameplate and business cards at work so I should be able to stop confusing people relatively soon.
Open enrollment started for me on Monday and Adam’s begins next week. We get to pour through health care premiums and coverage to decide if we want to go with a family plan offered by either of our employers or if we want to stick with the separate coverage we have now. I have no attachment to my doctor so it will really come down to cost and benefits. It will be interesting to see what our best option will be. I’m not sure if Adam has a FSA option but I think I can have that here without being on the medical insurance plan. I’m pretty sure they are two separate options.
And with that I might fall into a black hole again for a while. We'll see how it goes.