Anywho, we watched The Good Shepherd last night. This is definitely not one I would have chosen to watch on my own. It’s almost three hours long. Three long, boring, drawn-out hours of annoying flashbacks, flashforwards, and other overused cinematic devices (black & white to color, etc…) Basic story is about the birth of the CIA. As simple as that sounds, it obviously encompassed more than that in order to take up three hours of edited footage. Matt Damon (who I’ve really had quite enough of for now, seriously) is Ed, a Yale poetry student who gets recruited into the secretive Skull & Bones society. He then gets tapped for a special position during WWII overseas which then turns into a position in the (then unestablished) CIA during the Cold War. Lots of Russian, German, spies, deceit, double-crossing, etc. Angelina Jolie plays his wife but she’s only in the movie for like 10 minutes so I’m not sure why she got so much attention.
Overall I was bored for most of the movie. I’ll admit I’ve never been one for historical fiction movies. Or war movies. Or spy movies. Or movies with Matt Damon. Ok, so this one was just doomed from the start. Adam seemed to not mind it. Of course there were parts that were more interesting than others. Matt Damon in drag singing “I’m Called Little Buttercup” for example.

But unfortunately that one happened in the first twenty minutes of the film and the others were few and far between.
Now I need to cleanse my mind with some Spongebob or something…
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