Sunday, March 06, 2005

Aaah, the confusion

OK, I don't get it. He came over last night, we rented some movies, he fell asleep during the movie (Meet the Parents), he woke up, other activities ensued, and eventually he camped out on the futon while I slept in my bed. This is not problem as he snores like a lumberjack and runs the risk of smothering me in my sleep since he rolls around erratically. I much prefer my big bed and my non life-threatening stuffed animals. Anyway, today I slept until about 10 and then I moved out into the living room where he was watching the movie we watched last night (ok, so the movie I watched last night and he fell asleep during last night.) We actually watched the whole movie this time. After that we watched the second movie we rented (The Waterboy) while I did my laundry. Once again, other activities distracted us from watching the whole movie in one sitting. Then we walked for about an hour and a half over to Wal-Mart and back and he put RainX on my car while I made dinner. While we were walking, he brought up the subject of his most recent girlfriend. At least I think she was his girlfriend. I'm not sure. When I first met him, it was right before he started seeing her. I know her because I work with her at Kmart and she was asking me all kinds of questions about him. Apparently the reason he stopped talking to me all of the sudden was because she didn't want him talking to me because she saw me as a threat. Why did he tell me this? Did he see me as a threat as well? At that point I really had no interest in him. When she asked me if I would ever consider dating him, I said no - he was too tall for me. I also really didn't know him that well. Apparently that wasn't good enough for her and she forbade him from talking to me. But when I got the internet back at my house and he started talking to me again he indicated that he was still seeing her. But he was seeing other people as well. As was she. This confused me. I mean, I'm no professional at this whole dating and relationships thing, but I think if you bother to call someone a girl/boyfriend, it seems to me that you should see some kind of future with the person and have some kind of exclusivity clause. If you're going to fuck around with numerous people, why bother "dating?" UGH!

I just don't get it.

I think it's been made extraordinarily clear to him that there are other guys out there that want me. I mean, 3 or 4 guys have been messaging me constantly - while he's here. It's not like he doesn't know that I'm blowing them all off to be with him. And if he hasn't noticed, he's denser than I thought. But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Tonight he experienced - how should I say it - some "performance anxiety" - which he blamed on his cousin. His cousin called him last night after returning home from a date that didn't go too well. I told him it didn't really bother me too much. It's not like I get off from that anways - which brought up an entirely different subject. Uck! In any case, he left about an hour ago under the pretense that he has to lector at church tomorrow and needs his sleep. Yeah. Ok. He called me about 10 minutes ago to tell me that he has the biggest hard-on ever right now. Like I want to know that? MEN!!!

I apologize if this post makes no sense. I've been drinking a bit tonight. And with that, I bid this post adieu.

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