What kind of "friend" gets someone flowers? Especially a guy. Guys aren't really known for their incredible ability to do nice things for girls they aren't trying to get with. Perhaps that's a statement drawn from my experiences with the lower rungs of the male gender, but I still stand behind it. This guy is altogether too nice. Although he does do things that annoy me. Like call me when he's in the middle of doing something so he's constantly distracted or talking to someone else in the background. If you can't give me your undevoted attention, don't call me! Call me later when you can focus completely on me. It's my generally selfish nature to desire to always be the center of attention. Grrr. It's so obnoxious.
I found a ticklish spot on his elbow last night. Heh. It was fun. I swear there isn't a part of that guy's body that ISN'T ticklish. He's so much fun. :) Like an amusement park.
He also got Spongebob car seat covers. Why?!? I don't get it. Why is this so difficult. Oh yeah, because we're both wusses! Woo!
Anyway, there is indeed more to life than him. Things are going well with the job and the car and life in general is pretty good. I got a jacket this week from the plant I work for. I'm all official now that I have a piece of clothing with the company name on it, right? Picture is in my photobucket album.
I ordered my new glasses on Thursday so I should be able to see without getting splitting headaches in about a week. And if my new glasses make me look dumb, I'm going to blame Adam. I decided against contacts since I apparently have weird shaped eyes (thanks mom and dad) and I'm so used to glasses anyway I think it would be odd not having them. Plus they make me look smarter. :) This time I didn't get the transitions lenses, so that will be an adjustment. I'll have to find some sunglasses. I also got titanium flexible frames so they're really light and won't break when (I mean IF) I step on them. They're all bendy. :) This is a good thing, knowing how clutzy I am.
Other than that, not much is going on. No big plans or anything. I'm just drifting through life right now. It's fun. :)