Friday, December 08, 2006

Earning Interest

Savings Accounts earn 4.5% APY @ and 5.05% APY @

How is it that I was completely unaware of these banks? It’s kind of annoying to think of how much more I could have earned if I had put all my individual and joint savings into one of these accounts rather than let it all sit at Capital earning a measly 1% APY. Grrr. Live and learn I guess. At least I still have 8 good months to let it make a little more for me.

Reading various personal finance blogs has educated me.


Anonymous said...

I love my ING savings account. :) Actually, a friend introduced me to it with a special coupon that got me a free $25 for signing up. I have one if you'd like it.

walkingwing said...

And I get 5% from my Citibank savings account. How'd you get stuck with such a loser?

Martha said...

It's a Credit Union - that might be part of the reason. At UWO I was only getting .6%!