Saturday, August 06, 2005

The Results...

Ok, so the whole "inflatable" thing was just a ruse to throw me off track. What the surprise was is this:

It's so cute. It makes me laugh. We saw it last week at Sparkadoodles and he decided to go back and get it for me. How sweet. More pictures on the photobucket site. (It says "OINK" inside! Hee hee.)

This morning we went up to Verlo and checked out some mattress sets. We want to get a bigger/longer bed for when we move. I think we found one that's firm/squishy enough for both of us. We'll see. We've still got time of course.

I'm definately going to be glad to get away from here. The noise from the highway is nigh unbearable at night when the windows are open and last night the stupid neighbors to the right sat on their balcony drinking and talking loudly until almost 2 in the morning. *sigh* Inconsiderate bastards.

Anywho, that's about all I've got.

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