On Movies:Lost momentum a little on the Oscar list. Recent viewings include
Everybody's Fine (not as good as I expected given the cast list),
The Last Station (James McAvoy is a cutie, but good lord, was Helen Mirren's character an annoying whiner!), and
It's Complicated (Alec Baldwin is a schmuck, not enough Steve Martin, Meryl Streep was a little grating...) I'm 9 away from completing the list for this year. We haven't seen any recent releases in a long time, but we plan to try and get to the drive-in this coming weekend. Currently showing
Despicable Me and
On Brilliant Decisions:I don't know what made me think getting contacts was a good idea right before final ramp up for our August 1 SAP Go-Live date. This past week was one of long days staring at a computer screen or projected images in end-user training. Did wonders for my eyes. So far I seem to be having success with the contact thing. They get dry, but not too bad and not to any severe level that I feel I need to abandon them. Now if I could just figure out a naked forehead fix...
On Technology:I went to the library on Saturday to return one batch of books and pick out another. Then I went home and looked how much it would cost me to get a Kindle (or some such gadget.) Almost $200 for the gizmo itself plus another $5-$10 for most book titles. I think I'll drive downtown every four weeks and wait to read new releases for a while. Yikes. If only you could "check out" eBooks...
On Career Choices:Come August 1 my job will drastically change. Well, everyone's will, really. The point of SAP is to have most repetitive, mindless processes automated so we accountants can direct our brain functions to more analytical tasks. I'm trying to keep an open (and optimistic) mind. That said, every once in a while I dream of quitting and getting a job in a deli department, making the pasta salads and other prepared foods in the back. *sigh*
On Sports:I went to my very first Timber Rattlers game last Friday. We got there ridiculously early since Adam was worried we'd have a problem getting a good parking spot. We grilled out dinner, I got a little sunburned in the parking lot, and we talked with the two other IMA members who decided to join in this chapter activity. The game itself was alright. I think baseball is boring, but man, do they try and make it interesting. Stupid games in between each half of each inning, incessant advertisements disguised as entertainment. It was Fang (the mascot)'s birthday, so we had a whole parade of his "friends" (other mascots) in attendance. There was a pre-game kickball match. They sang happy birthday. They danced. It was cute, but also kind of nuts. Adam decided we were leaving after the 7th inning stretch. Fine by me. Those bleacher seats are very uncomfortable. I don't know that I'd be against going again, but it's not something I'd necessarily seek out.
On Technology (II):I got a new computer yet again when Adam got tired of my laptop shutting itself down when it overheated while he was streaming music. This new one is a desktop again, can apparently handle Windows 7 better or something. Also came with an insanely huge HD screen. But I had to move everything over and re-do all my settings. Again. But he reformatted my laptop so now I can use it for IMA if we need it.