Friday, November 20, 2009

Screening Room

Watched a few movies lately. With all my Oscar movies out of the queue, we’re getting older movies from Blockbuster. Recent titles include:

Meet Bill (eh)

The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything (Yes, it’s a Veggie Tales movie. I realize I’m about 20 years over the suggested age. I still think it was hilarious. Best line ever: The pirates are on an island and they have to get across a pretty vast part of ocean to get between two rocks (that conceal the secret cove) before they close. The tomato dude says, “I don’t think it’s possible, and this is coming from a guy who just swam (lots of) miles with no hands or legs.” Bwahahaha. Ok, so I guess you had to be there…)

The Ugly Truth (too many easy jokes, but not horrible)

The Anniversary Party (Wonderful - talk about jam-packed star power!)

We've got Hamlet 2 currently sitting on the end table to be watched.

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