In the past two weeks or so, every time I try to write a blog entry, it turns into some whiny, complainy thing so I just delete it. Things have been busy at work, the weather has been up and down, and perhaps I have a bit of a combination of ennui and cabin fever. In any case, here’s another attempt.
On the Oscar front, I’ve “watched” a few more on the list. I use the word “watched” lightly.
Bolt I actually did watch. All the way through. And I liked it. It’s kind of an animated combination of
The Truman Show and
Homeward Bound with some
Spiderman thrown in. Cute, not at all the disguised propaganda of other recent animated films, fun to watch. But also sad – I almost cried.
Pan’s Labyrinth of this year was
In Bruges. I fell asleep for about an hour of it but I don’t think I really missed much. I looked up the plot afterwards and I think I pretty much got it even though I entirely missed the middle of the movie. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. In any case, definitely not a baby bunnies and butterflies kind of movie. Spoiler: everyone dies.
Cinderella Man of this year was
The Wrestler. In all honesty, I didn’t really want to see it anyway. But it was on the list. So I tried. I lasted until he got stabbed in the forehead with a fork. After that I was done (excuse the obvious pun there – it was kind of unintentional.) I retreated to the bedroom and watched something much more my style – Hannah Montana.
So, I’m left with nine films to finish up my list:
Australia (was going to rent this instead of
The Wrester but it’s THREE HOURS LONG)
Benjamin Button (I’m guessing my expectations of this movie will surpass its actual merit)
Defiance (don’t even know what this one’s about)
Frost/Nixon (I’ll probably be bored, but should be able to watch it)
Frozen River (I’ve heard good things about this one from multiple sources)
Gran Torino (uuuugh. I’m predicting I don’t make it through this one either)
Happy-Go-Lucky (not sure about this one)
Last Chance Harvey (looking forward to this one)
Revolutionary Road (this one should be ok as well)
After those there are quite a few other movies in the queue that I’m looking forward to.
We didn’t end up going to the Drive-in this past weekend. It was so windy that part of their screen blew off and they had to fix it. It should be good to go for this coming weekend so we’ll see what the weather does. The same movies are playing so we’ll try again. Adam went to see
Angels & Demons on Sunday. I was disappointed in
The Da Vinci Code so I didn’t buy into the hype of the prequel/sequel at all. I didn’t hear much from him about it so I don’t know if it was good or bad.
The last IMA meeting of the season was Tuesday so I am now officially VP Membership in addition to all the other director positions I hold. I’m hopeful that the directors under me will like the ideas I have to make our chapter more welcoming and appealing. We’ll see. I’m looking forward to the planning meetings.
Aside from our trip in August, we don’t have much planned for the summer. We didn’t reserve any campsites. I don’t know if we’ll try some impromptu weekends or not. Perhaps we’ve just resigned ourselves to the fact that camping doesn’t work for us despite our numerous attempts. We also rented a pontoon boat for the whole day on June 6. We’ve invited Adam’s parents, Mark and his son, and my dad and Cheryl to come along and cruise the lakes and rivers around Fremont with us. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. We’ve got our party lined up for the 20th. Not too much response, but we didn’t ask for RSVPs so who knows. Given our track record, if 10 people show up I’ll be happy. I’d love more, but I have to have realistic expectations or I’m just setting myself up to be mad and disappointed.
On the kitty front, no changes in Carly’s helplessness. I resorted to putting a dish with food and water on top of the fridge since that’s where she wants to spend the majority of her time. (It was predictably knocked off during a toussle between JC and Carly the next day.) I’m thinking about stashing another one in my bathroom and when she jumps on me in the middle of the night, throwing her in there instead of trekking to the cat room. I don’t know if that’s a good idea or not, but I’m kicking it around. The other guys are enjoying nature. When it was so windy last weekend, JC was just going crazy with all the random stuff that blew by the windows. We also have a ballsy squirrel who enjoys pacing back and forth on the deck even though it has to know it has three cats intently staring at it. We were able to open up the deck door for a while during the afternoon last weekend and they loved it. Even Carly expressed some interest in what was going on outside.
Nothing planned (that I’m aware of) for Memorial Day. We’ll probably cook out at some point during the day. It will be nice to have a day off. Last week I was tempted to just take a random vacation day but I ended up not doing that. I’ve got 6 days still unscheduled so I’ll have to see what to make of them.
I had some fun with JC earlier this week when I realized my headband fit perfectly around him. He probably could have just reached his paw in and yanked it off, but he decided to walk around with it on for a couple hours. So cute.

That's about it.