Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Staying Alive

How did it get to be Wednesday already? Wow.

Anyway, the weekend that is now so far in the past was more interesting than some others have been. On Friday night we decided to go out for dinner since I didn’t feel like cooking and Adam didn’t either. We went to The Ground Round at the golf course for the first time in quite a while. The last time we were there was during the scary karoke night. This time we got there right in time for Happy Hour Trivia. Woo. And they’ve added little flat screen TVs by all the tables. And you can change the channel so you can watch something other than sports. Double woo. Anyway, we ordered food, had fun watching “How It’s Made” on the Discovery Channel. At the end of the 6 questions (most of which I totally guessed about) we handed in our answer cards and waited for the results. The winner would get a $50 gift card.

Of course, why would I be telling you this whole thing if something significant didn’t happen? Turns out I’m a pretty good wild guesser. I got all 6 answers correct. Although one other person got them all right too so they split the prize in half. Still, $25 for random guessing isn’t shabby. It will fund our next “don’t feel like cooking” night out.

On Saturday we did a whole bunch of shopping and running around. I think we were gone from around 9am to almost 4pm. We started by heading up to Green Bay. We visited with Dave and Adam’s grandmother for a while. We were lucky enough to have the planes that were doing the flyover for the Packer game the next day fly right over us. Now, her house is on the flight path for the airport so this is not unusual. But these planes were flying veeeeery low. I’m talking brushing the treetops low. So they were veeeeeery loud. But hey, Adam got to see a warbird something or other close up so he was happy. Who needs their hearing? It’s over-rated. We stopped by PetSmart (since we were in the neighborhood) for some pet stuff (duh) and then headed back to Simon’s to get some cheese. Then we made stops at a few other places (Walgreens, Blockbuster, Walmart, Petco, probably others but I kind of lost track.) We also stopped by his parents’ house somewhere in there I think. When we got home we unloaded everything and I went back out to do the grocery shopping. I made dinner, we watched TV. That’s about it.

Until 1am Sunday morning when I awoke to the unpleasantness of the “stomach flu.” I spent most of the morning either sleeping or in the bathroom. Adam was nice enough to go get some Coke and flatten it for me to try and calm my stomach down. It didn’t work too well. Then he was even nicer when I asked him to go to Walgreens for me right before the football game started. I still felt pretty crappy at 3pm when I had to leave to go to church for the handbell concert. I brought some Gatorade with me and managed to spill it on my white shirt. I was having a bad day. All things considered the bell concert went very well. There was a decent crowd and we even got a standing ovation. I ducked out before everything was cleaned up and bailed on the dinner out with my dad and Cheryl. I just went home and crawled into bed. I think I probably fell asleep for a few hours before Adam came to bed for the night.

Monday morning I felt a lot better than I had the previous morning. I hadn’t eaten anything since dinner on Saturday (which had so spectacularly re-introduced itself Sunday morning) so I was kind of worried what I might happen if I tried to eat breakfast. It’s that whole “I’m so hungry, but my body will rebel” situation. So I told work I might be late if things didn’t work out. I made some plain rice but chickened out after about three tiny bites. I gave up and just went to work with a bottle of Gatorade. I only made it about four hours before I felt like I wanted to throw up again so I left early to go home and take a nap before bell practice. Things were still a little uncomfortable during practice and when I came home I went to lay down.

Yesterday morning I was pretty much back to normal. I worked all day, came home last night and cleaned up the mess created by me ignoring the house for two days. I even mopped the floor. Well, ok, I had to mop the floor because when I was home for lunch I was on my way to put my glass of flat Coke back in the fridge and JC tripped me. He meowed AFTER he was already under my feet. Grrrr. He yelped, I flew, the Coke splattered all over. So yeah, the floor was a little sticky. Anyway, I tried to take care of some of the things I had anticipated doing on Sunday.

Today I’m doing fine. A little tired perhaps, but fine. Tonight is the first “Adam’s in charge of dinner” night and he plans on grilling steaks. Yes, I understand that there’s a good 6 or 8 inches of snow on the deck but luckily the grill is scooted up right next to the patio door. I’ve made Wednesday his night to make dinner with an “it can’t always be frozen pizza” clause. It might be a bit tricky since he works later than I do, but we’ll see how it goes. Other than that tonight will be full of more catch-up and normal Wednesday activities (laundry, garbage.) I also need to get my butt moving on the Lowe’s 0% balance transfer I’m working on since the first payment is due the first week of January… Speaking of finances, I’m also currently working on our 2008 budget. It’s not pretty, although I’m fudging some numbers until we find out how things shake out with Adam moving to a salaried position. Is it unreasonable to ask for a 10% raise? :)

UDPATE: Adam didn't make dinner. He stayed late at work, came home for an hour, and then went back to work. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my own defense, I went back to work so I can hit the incentive numbers needed for some extra money. Seeing as I can double by salary with bonuses, going back to work, while it takes time away from being here, may not always be a bad thing. Besides, I can always grill out Thursday, in the snow.