He was dropped off at the vet this morning, got the "all clear" from the vet regarding the FIP scare, and was then put under for surgery. He's no longer a "he", he's an "it." And for good measure we had him front paw declawed and gave him a few shots (round two of distemper and rabies) while we were at it. Poor guy. But apparently he was up and about soon after waking up. He'll be staying overnight at the cat clinic for observation (and, to a certain extent, to keep the other two cats from beating him up too much.) When we bring him home tomorrow afternoon we'll be keeping him alone in the other room for a few days since he'll need special litter and some time away from the other guys and their rough-housing. I'm hoping his personality doesn't change too much as a result of this operation but you never know until it happens.
For now, we can all enjoy this cool action shot of him attacking some paper towel this past weekend:

Next we have to figure out how to trick the other two into the carriers so we can take them for their well-cat checkups. Hmmm. Any ideas?
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